1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 2, 2004 2:24 AM by genman

    Deployment problem, sar with nested war


      I have a sar file with a nested war file. Both are very simple, a few utility jars in the sar and only one servlet with its corresponding web.xml are in the war. I'm using JBoss 3.2.5. on windows XP.

      With my sar in the deploy directory it fails to deploy the sar. I get the following error:

      org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Was unable to move war to: C:\work\jboss-3.2.5\server\default\tmp\deploy\tmp56549mysar.sar-contents\mywar.war.tmp

      But it works when I start JBoss without the sar, and hot deploy it later. It also works if I let the deployment fail, then I touch the sar file forcing a reload. Also it works if I deploy the sar in expanded format with the war also in expanded format. On Linux Redhat ES3, deployment works fine for all scenarios.

      To me, this seems like a just a windows file permission problem with no solution.

      Any comments are appreciated.


        • 1. Re: Deployment problem, sar with nested war

          Windows is pretty dumb about letting you move/rename/delete files that are already open. I'm not sure if this is a JDK issue or a JBoss one. Does this prevent you from moving forward? Sounds to me like the deployer should continue to work even if it can't rename the old file. You might want to submit a bug+test case to sf.net if you feel you have a reproducable test case. (Also check if this might have been closed as a non-fixable issue.)