4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 8, 2004 4:55 AM by darranl

    source from cvs


      no luck in getting the source out of source forge. I tried both tortoise and eclipse. For tortoise get

      In C:\jboss\buildjboss: C:\Program Files\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe checkout -P JBoss-3.2

      cvs [checkout aborted]: connect to cvs.jboss.sourceforge.net:2401 failed: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

      Error, CVS operation failed

      I tried same thing using exact cvs commands listed in jboss docs by entering them into a dos cmd window. Get same type error.

      I saw posts similar to this, but no info in them seems to solve this.

        • 1. Re: source from cvs

          Are you behind a firewall at all, CVS has been working fine for me for ages now.

          • 2. Re: source from cvs

            today was my lucky day, I actually got sourceforge cvs to talk to my computer.

            I found the JBoss-3.2 module to be empty.

            I first found the jboss module.

            Using the ant build.xml file from that, I found it wanted two more modules
            tools and thirdparty

            I then found it has a error in the build.xml, it refers to


            which should be


            Now it appears that the build file is only configured for sun computer, I am using Windows 2000 Prof.

            I get the following

            Buildfile: C:\jboss\buildjboss\jboss\build.xml
            Trying to override old definition of task property
            Overriding previous definition of reference to xdoclet.task.classpath
            BUILD FAILED: C:\jboss\buildjboss\jboss\build.xml:234: JavaCC home must be a valid directory.
            Total time: 4 seconds

            So time for a sanity check on this process. Am I on the right track? Why does the wiki and other start up stuff refer to JBoss-3.2

            I am now able to get to cvs via


            Note, some documentation refered to

            :pserver:anonymous@cvs.jboss.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ which got me nowhere.....

            This has been a slow, confusing, and error prone process with lots of incorrect information provided. I still have not done a build of JBoss or the tutorial and can't hope to contribute to fixing any bugs until I can.

            • 3. Re: source from cvs

              Ignore all the stuff in the docs and forums about cvs. Use the download menu on the jboss home page and get the source from a zip file. Unzip the zip file.

              Then set your eclipse project to jboss-4.0.0RC2-src\build and run the ant build from there. This produces source that compiles.

              The ant output seems to include everything from java to idl to some template expansions and back again. It will take me a while to figure out what that is all about.

              • 4. Re: source from cvs

                Have you tried the CVS commands from http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JBossInstallation, I usually use these without any problems.

                Occasionaly the source will not build but that is usually because someone is only half way through commiting changes or you need to clean your projects.