1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 4, 2004 8:23 PM by sengsational

    Expression Language Prob - NSMErr w/ isELIgnored=false


      My install (with Tomcat version 5.0.26) works pretty good, in general. I can put the isELIgnored=false page directive in without a problem, but when I put any EL in my jsp (like ${param.blah}), I get a NoSuchMethodError on javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.getVariableResolver() at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.proprietaryEvaluate().

      I tried this on two different machines, same result (although those machine share a lot of history, like they both had LiteWebServer on them at one time, and likely had jdk updates at the same time).

      Anyway, searching here and googling makes me feel alone with this one. I'm not expecting any silver bullets, but how would one try and track down what's going on?

      Hopefully someone will write an "it works for me" post.



        • 1. Re: Expression Language Prob - NSMErr w/ isELIgnored=false

          I'll answer my own, for the benefit of those who follow...

          I -think- what happened in this case was that an Eclipse .classpath
          that had a bad reference to javax.servlet.jar was handed-out. The
          result was that the project wouldn't build until Eclipse was happy
          with the all library entries. Someone decided to make Eclipse happy
          by finding an old copy of javax.servlet.jar and placing it where the
          .classpath file said it should go... right smack where an old copy of
          the jar file didn't belong! The true solution would have been to
          simply remove the entry from the .classpath file, and to never have copied the jar file into the container directory structure. Once that earlier work had been reversed, it worked like a charm.
