3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 22, 2004 12:40 AM by starksm64

    UDP warnings in the log file


      Hi all,

      We installed new JBoss servers on our
      company network and this caused a problem
      both on the new and the old JBoss servers.
      The server logs are full of UDP warnings like this:

      2004-10-21 13:35:29,865 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] packet from / has different version (0220) from ours (0224). This may cause problems
      2004-10-21 13:35:29,865 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] discarded message from different group (). Sender was HERCULES:1085 (additional data: 14 bytes)

      We use JBoss in 3.2.5 and 3.2.3 severs with
      the all configuration.We think the problem
      is related to clustering. We do not use clustering and do not know how to configure it. It seems that the JBoss servers would like to discover each other for clustering. Is our guess right? Could someone please tell us how to turn off clustering?

      Gábor Herman
      Software Developer
      FlexiTon Kft

        • 1. Re: UDP warnings in the log file

          The all configuration contains many services generally not needed, and if your not using clustering you should not be starting with the all configuration. What is in all that you need?

          • 2. Re: UDP warnings in the log file

            Dear Scott,

            We use the all configuration because we use
            havy clients which need RMI access to our beans.
            As far as we know the default configuration does
            not contain RMI. I tried the default configuration
            with a session bean with remote interface and
            could not deploy it until I removed the remote
            interface. There were no such problem in the
            all configuration.

            Gabor Herman
            Software Developer
            FlexiTon Kft.

            • 3. Re: UDP warnings in the log file

              The default config supports rmi using either the sun jrmp protocol or our proprietary socket protocol. If you need rmi with the iiop protocol that can easily be added to the default config by moving over the iiop-service.xml, and its jars and config.