3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 26, 2004 2:11 PM by kalyan120

    multiple ear file in same instance of jboss server



      we have 2 ear files both of them should have their own JVM and they should use single instance Jboss server.
      Also each ear file should be configured to have thier own VM parameter.

      Could any one help us what configuration that are required to obtain this functionality working


        • 1. Re: multiple ear file in same instance of jboss server

          Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, I don't think you can do what you want to do. Each JBoss server is running it its own virtual machine, and the VM startup parameters (memory, etc) apply to the whole server instance. If you have two EARs which you want running in separate virtual machines, then I think you need to have two separate server instances.

          What makes you want to have the EARs in separate virtual machines?

          • 2. Re: multiple ear file in same instance of jboss server

            Both ear file App1.ear and App2.ear file are interdependent and there will remote ejb calls across them.
            Both ear file have their own set of VM parameters.
            We have in production in websphere, where each application server will have application(App1.ear and App2.ear on 2 different application server) and each own could be configured to their VM param and also possible to make remote ejb calls.

            1. Is it possible to have both ear file in the same instance( we identified it is possible from the Forum) in that case what is the configuration that is required.

            2. If it is on different instance of Jboss what are the setup and configuration changes to be made

            if you could provide the possible solution to overcome this that will be great


            • 3. Re: multiple ear file in same instance of jboss server

              You can deploy your 2 instances of the EAR files in a single instance of JBoss. The required configuration depends on what specific things you are doing within your EAR files. (Like JDBC, JMS, etc.).

              For a simple test of whether they are getting deployed or not, place them under the JBOSS_HOME/servers/all/deploy directory and run the server using : run -c all
