1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 28, 2004 5:14 PM by pyuill

    jvm settings


      HI I am trying to figure out how I can
      do keystork in jboss
      using eclipse and tomecat it is straight forword
      1- go to windows preference, tomcat, jvm and then I add
      -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore="E:\My Documents\uportalproject\keytool\mykeystore.jks"
      how I would be able to do that in jboss
      and the rest of the stuff I want to add

      How I would do this in jboss
      please help

        • 1. Re: jvm settings

          You have three options
          1) set the JAVA_OPTS variable (Windows environment, Unix shell)
          2) append options to the end of the run command eg run.bat -Dfoo=bar
          3) edit the run script and add your options to JAVA_OPTS