2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2005 11:36 AM by tonyawbrey

    Http redirection in 3.2.7?


      I had http redirection working in 3.2.4 by putting the following snippet in my web.xml :

      <web-resource-name>SSL Forwarding</web-resource-name>

      I upgraded the server to 3.2.7 and now I get the following error in my web.xml when looking at it in eclipse:

      The content of element type "web-app" must match "(icon?,display-name?,description?,distributable?,context-param*,filter*,filter-mapping*,listener*,servlet*,servlet-mapping*,session-config?,mime-mapping*,welcome-file-list?,error-page*,taglib*,resource-env-ref*,resource-ref*,security-constraint*,login-config?,security-role*,env-entry*,ejb-ref*,ejb-local-ref*)".

      What changed and how do I get this functionality to work with 3.2.7?



        • 1. Re: Http redirection in 3.2.7?


          "tawbrey" wrote:
          I had http redirection working in 3.2.4 by putting the following snippet in my web.xml :

          <web-resource-name>SSL Forwarding</web-resource-name>

          I upgraded the server to 3.2.7 and now I get the following error in my web.xml when looking at it in eclipse:

          The content of element type "web-app" must match "(icon?,display-name?,description?,distributable?,context-param*,filter*,filter-mapping*,listener*,servlet*,servlet-mapping*,session-config?,mime-mapping*,welcome-file-list?,error-page*,taglib*,resource-env-ref*,resource-ref*,security-constraint*,login-config?,security-role*,env-entry*,ejb-ref*,ejb-local-ref*)".

          What changed and how do I get this functionality to work with 3.2.7?



          • 2. Re: Http redirection in 3.2.7?

            Forgot to mention that it still works fine in the application @ runtime, just get this error in eclipse when it is parsing the file?