1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 14, 2005 6:40 AM by vashistvishal

    JBOSS Installation in Linux Environment

      Hi All,

      I am installing JBOSS 4.0.0 in Redhat Linux Env.

      I have the following doubts..?

      1.what is the purpose of jboss_init_redhat.sh..? (what are the preferred permissions to start jboss, etc etc)

      2.What is the purpose of my.cnf ..?(what should be in this?)

      3.How can you pre-compile all the pages in jboss?

      4.What other performance enhancements can be done - in terms of architecture / environment / permissions / etc..?

      Kindly clarify me.

        • 1. Re: JBOSS Installation in Linux Environment


          1.what is the purpose of jboss_init_redhat.sh..? (what are the preferred permissions to start jboss, etc etc)

          Thse scripts are to be used by user "jboss" created on the system, for runing and stopping JBoss.
          If u want to run it as any other l user then just use run.sh and stop.sh

          Note : Its a goos design to install application server or other application to be controlled by a normal user rather then a root user, which means once u have a control of machine/pc ...u can do anything with that machine.

          2. my.cnf ---- ?? where is it i havent seen that..

          3, point canbe found in forum postings....if u cant then post it agian :-) (search)
