3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 23, 2008 2:17 PM by richajon

    wrongly generated javascript on rich:tab using RF 3.2.0.SR1


      I am getting a javascript error when clicking on a rich:tab using ajax switchType.

      I got the following tabPanel in my application:

       <rich:tabPanel id="patientProfileTabPanel" switchType="ajax" selectedTab="#{selectedTab}">
       <rich:tab id="summary" name="summary" label="#{messages.m000034}" action="#{patient002Controller.prep}">
       <ui:include src="/views/patient/patient003.xhtml"/>

      And it generate the following HTML+Javascript which seems wrong to me:

      <td id="problemManagement_lbl"
      onmouseup="#{component.attributes['onlabelmousemove'" onmouseover="RichFaces.overTab(this);" onmouseout="RichFaces.outTab(this);"
      class="dr-tbpnl-tb rich-tab-header dr-tbpnl-tb-inact rich-tab-inactive dr-tbpnl-tb-sel">Problems</td>

      I will open a JIRA concerning this issue.