0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 3, 2005 8:40 PM by bap840

    http session is being set to null, hostname problem


      So my machine name is "bap". I'm running jboss on port 80

      If use the url http://bap then everything is ok.

      However if I use the url http://localhost or or my real ip address or any other address I set up in my hosts file (I'm using using win2k) then any session information I create using

      request.getSession().setAttribute("name", "value")

      becomes null once I try to access it from another page.

      This happens in both Netscape and IE so I don't think it's a browser issue.
      It also happens both in the application that I am building and in the dukes bank tutorial.

      I would be eternally grateful if anyone could help me with this.