3 Replies Latest reply on May 7, 2005 5:10 PM by juha

    deployer bug?


      Hi all,

      We have turned our heads around for a few hours now to find out why our SAR refuses to deploy. Here is what happens:
      - We have a myapp.sar in the deploy folder of JBoss 4, with some jar files in it, and the correct META-INF stuff; everything is greate and runs fine
      - Now we wanted to expand one of the JAR files in the SAR, so that we can compile some debug classes directly in there -> THE SAR does not deploy anymore, the message is that the jboss-service.xml is not found uder META-INF, which IS THERE !!!
      - We nailed the problem: there is an innocent package named deployer in our expanded JAR structure now. This folder completely confuses the JBoss deployer, which starts taking this as a deploy folder and looks inside for the META-INF folder :))
      - The problem was not there when the jar was not expanded, even though the package is in the JAR also

      Is this a bug or a feature of the JBoss deployer? It is definitely a nice hidden restrictions of the SAR structure.
