1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 31, 2005 6:48 AM by jcash

    JNDI Datasource points to MySQL database


      Hi all,

      I am new to JBoss. I want to create new JNDI DataSource called: "java:/Timesheet" to point to a mysql databsase.
      How could I do that ?

      I was lost in the Documentation and need someones help.

      Mohamed Fathy Abd El Aziz

        • 1. Re: JNDI Datasource points to MySQL database

          Create a file called timesheet-ds.xml in your deploy directory with the following contents (changing server, username , password and testsqlsettings where relivent).

           <!-- sql to call when connection is created
           <!-- sql to call on an existing pooled connection when it is obtained from pool
           <!-- corresponding type-mapping in the standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml (optional) -->