0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 3, 2005 11:21 AM by rockhopper

    How to configure ejb client to use forward proxy (with http

      Hi all,

      I've configured my Rich Client Application to invoke ejb on JBoss 3.2 using the http invokers (https more precisely). All is working now.

      But, how to setup the client to use a (forward) proxy instead of going straight to the server?

      I've tried this, but it seems to have no impact, since I've used a proxyHost that doesn't exist without error (*):
      -DproxySet=true -DproxyHost=myhost -DproxyPort=myport

      Any hints?
      Best regards.


      (*): I must say, it's hard to test because for now I have a direct access to Internet (with no forward proxy).