1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 8, 2005 5:07 PM by smerrick

    Unable to load classes when deploying EAR.

      I have a ear file that deploys a war file and all bunch of JAR files. During the deployment when it is deploying the war file classloader cannot find spring realted classes. spring.jar is included in the ear file. I can see that it does extract the jar files but for some reason these jars are not within the class path.

      my EAR:
      war file
      jar files

      Are there any reasons why Jboss should not include the jar files from the ear file with in the classpath of the application?

        • 1. Re: Unable to load classes when deploying EAR.

          I have been running into the same problem, the only solution I have found is to turn on the JBoss unified(flat) classloader.

          Go to server/default/deploy/jbossweb-tomcatXX.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml
          and change the UseJBossWebLoader value to true.

          The side effect of this is that the first instance of a class that is loaded will be used by all applications in JBoss, so if you are using a different version of a jar in one app than a different one you may/will get unexpected results.

          BTW someone else has the same problems we are