1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 14, 2006 2:44 PM by the-gtm

    JBoss in Production Environment



      I am using JBoss 4.0.2 and it's running over the Windows 2003 server as well as the Solaris system. And also I configured the JBoss AP server with my own port settings through the service-binding.xml file [I am unsing the default server configurations]. I've deployed my Enterprise application to it. My issue is, I think the AP server is running in development mode not in production mode. Now I want to know how to configure the AP server in the production mode.

      And one more thing. !!

      The main reason for this is, I may need to modify the EAR contents using my script [I can write the script] without restarting the server[I feel this is possible only in production env].

      Could any one can tell how this is possible..

      Thanks in advance.!!


        • 1. Re: JBoss in Production Environment

          Out of the box JBoss allows to hot deploy (or hot redeploy) EARs (among other things). If you use packaged ear (single file) just drop the new release in the deploy dir. If you use an exploded ear, I 'think' you have to change what you need to change, and then touch the application.xml file.

          So no 'production mode' if you just need hot deploy