0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 16, 2006 8:18 PM by aron-smith

    Remote client connecting to jboss application server



      On my local network I have the application server on PC a

      I have another PC on the same network whose jndi.properties I alter to be


      I fired up my client app and had no problem accessing the 'server'.

      On a world wide web PC I configured

      where 64.nnn.nnn.nnn is my router and on that linksys router I port forward and trigger 80 traffic to route to port 1099.

      I know this *should* work as I tested port forwarding 80 traffic to a different server port 8080 and had *no problem*.

      On my very remote client it complains that it cannot connect to localhost port 1099 - despite my altered jndi.properties.

      I cant figure out what the issue is - should all work right?

      Are there any restrictions that the application server would reject the client if it was a redirected router traffic?

