1 Reply Latest reply on May 3, 2006 3:25 AM by klaasjanelzinga

    Using dom4j within jboss leads to ClassDefNotFoundException


      I am getting a ClassDefNotFoundException within an ejb-application file. I think this is caused by issue JBAS-1970 (see the issue tracker).

      The exception occurs when I make a call to a XPath command (SelectSingleNode). The dom4j and jaxen jars from dom4j are packaged in the ejb-jar file.

      The application (ear-file) is running non-scoped (w/ classloader), so what happens is that the org.dom4j. classes from the top-classloader are used. This is dom4j-1.6jboss version from which the XPath classes are stripped accorging to JBAS-1970. (located in JBOSS_HOME/lib) and not the org.dom4j classes packaged within the application. The creation and reading of xml-documents is no problem.

      So the question is: can I keep on running in a non-scoped application and use XPath queries from dom4j?