1 Reply Latest reply on May 25, 2006 12:35 PM by peterj

    How should I install JBOSS on Red Hat linux?


      I have downloaded two binary files:
      jboss-4.0.1sp1.zip, jboss-4.0.1sp1.tar.gz

      How should I install JBOSS On Red Hat Linux Enterprise ver 3 using either of them?

      It there are any preferences one or another?

      Thank you for help

        • 1. Re: How should I install JBOSS on Red Hat linux?

          Both files have the same content, but you will probably want to use the tar.gz file because it maintains the file permissions (such as executable permissions for the shell scripts).

          Once you have unpacked the file (I unpack mine to /opt), go to the bin directory and run ./run.sh, wait until you sett the "server started in xxx seconds" message, then open a browser and point it to localhost:8080, and you are running.

          Oh, almost forgot. You will need a JVM other than what comes with RedHat.