0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 16, 2006 1:37 PM by jimmysmith

    updating the log4j jar file



      I tried updating the server/XXXX/lib/log4j.jar with a latest log4j.jar from apache, in order to use the trace() method not present in JBoss 4.0.1's version of log4j.

      The problem is that the Logger class thats actually being used by deployed applications is not the server/XXXX/lib/log4j.jar but rather the log4j-boot.jar.

      From what I understood of the UCL/repository mechanism, I was surprised that the log4j-boot.jar's Logger classloader was "hit" before the deployment's own lib's log4j.jar.

      Addidng a "-B ..\server\XXXX\lib\log4j.jar" option to run.bat fixed it for now, but I'd still like to know why I had to do this in the first place.

      Anyone have any thoughts regarding this?