0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 3, 2006 4:51 AM by gmatthews

    conf/jboss-service.xml setting to deploy as HA singleton?


      Hi all,

      I'd like how you can set the 'URLs' attribute in conf/jboss-service.xml to configure which directories should be scanned for deployable components.

      Is there a 'HA-URLs' or similar attribute?

      As far as I understand it, you need to manually drop deployable components into the deploy-hasingleton directory.

      The scenario I'm trying to solve is that one of the components in the cluster talks to a service which is installed on one box only. It does a lot of I/O with the service and so I want each box in the cluster to talk to a JMX component on one box (deploy-hasingleton deployed?).

      Thanks a lot,