0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 14, 2006 10:20 PM by ebagdonas

    Question on Virtual Directory Mappings and Servlet Invocatio


      We are trying to port an CF application that makes extensive use of virtual directory mapping to JBoss.

      Following the information in:


      We can get the directory contents, but only served as web (text) content.

      Assuming it is possible, how do you get the contents to be processed by the CF (cfm/cfc) servlets? Move the servlet defintions from .../cfusion/WEB-INF/web.xml to where?

      For example:

      Given coldfusion installed exploded in cfusion.war. Going to the url http://..../cfusion.war/CFIDE/administator/index.cfm - you get the administrator, but with http://.../CFIDE/administator/index.cfm - you get the content of index.cfm.

      If the CF part is confusing - assume index.cfm is index.jsp.

      We are using JBoss AS 4.0.4