2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 19, 2008 6:54 AM by dreuzel

    SuggestionBOX text search

      I'm writing a UIComponent using the SuggestionBOX.

      the Sugestion box is using hibernate TextSearch to find
      the suggested items.

      As there is a difference between the index of different records
      and the presentable(suggestion text) I need to be able to return
      an Object to the caller, instead of the suggested text (ex: username versus contact index)

      The full text search part is working, up to selection of the correct text.
      I have the suggestionBox and can select a correct record and receive the
      the resulting suggested text.

      But I need thefull record, or at least the index(Multiple types possible so object)
      To reconstruct the return value, I need to be able to get hold of the
      rowIndex(selected row in the suggestionBOX) From where I can manipulate the resultlist of the text query. (allowing me to return
      the correct field (index) to the application.

      My problem is how can I get Hold of the RowIndex of the selection
      its value seems always to be -1 (I'm looking at the wrong time ???)
      I tried to extend decode,processDecodes.... but I' seem never to be able
      to grasp UIDATA nor the derived rowIndex ....

      I' know its internal in the UISuggestionBox code, but the RowIndex always seems to escape me

      Any tip or suggestion is certainly welcome.