3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 4, 2006 11:41 AM by peterj

    Service types??

      From the documentation:

      "JBoss AS 4.0 adds support for new types of server services. The SARDeployer now recognizes the *.deployer archives (both in expanded directories and in zip files) and the *-deployer.xml files as valid deployment options. The .deployer suffix is equivalent to the .sar suffix, and the -deployer.xml file name suffix is equivalent to the -service.xml descriptor file name suffix. These suffixes are sorted ahead of any other service types so that these .deployer services are started before other services."

      What are the other service types that are available apart from .deployer and .sar?

        • 1. Re: Service types??

          Want to see the complete list? Here is an excerpt from org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentSorter (4.0.5.CR1 version):

          public static final String[] DEFAULT_SUFFIX_ORDER = {
           ".deployer", "-deployer.xml", ".sar", "-service.xml", ".rar", "-ds.xml",
           ".har", ".jar", ".war", ".wsr", ".ear", ".zip", ".bsh", ".last"

          • 2. Re: Service types??

            Thanks for that list, it's helpful.

            (I'm assuming that the .jar in that list does not mean library jars, but only EJB jars.)

            • 3. Re: Service types??

              Yes, it is expecting to find EJBs in the jar file.

              Not quite sure why zip is in the list because there is no deployer for zip files (I've encountered that issue before, and seen a few posts on the same).