2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 13, 2006 4:39 AM by robnor

    Sar Deployment with nested MDB's Issue



      I am packaging a sub-system in a sar. This sar contains other sar and ejb3 mdb's.

      My problem that I cannot figure out is why the mdb's dont get started when i deploy the sar.

      If I start jboss clean without any ear, jar, sar etc (except the default ones) and then drops the sar in the deploy directory, the sar and nested jar/sar's get deployed as they should, and the mdb's gets started.

      If I start jboss with the sar already in the deploy directory the deploy goes fine, but the mdb's dont start.

      If I re-deploy the sar, then the deployment goes fine AND the mdb's gets started.

      Could someone please enlighten me how to solve this issue.

        • 1. Re: Sar Deployment with nested MDB's Issue

          by the way.

          I am using jboss 4.0.5 with messaging 1.0.1.GA and Ejb3

          • 2. Re: Sar Deployment with nested MDB's Issue


            I have found a workaround for my problem.

            Somehow the SARDeployer does not invoke nested EJBDeployer, and I could not get it to work with dependencies.

            My workaround is to create a ear, with two modules. First my Sar, and from that I factored out some ejb's and put them in a separate jar module.

            Then everything works as it should.

            Now, I need to package a ear in another ear.... havent done that before, dont know if it is possible.... trial and horror... hehe