2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 24, 2007 9:28 PM by guy_rouillier

    reload jars in server/default/lib



      I have some projetcs running on my JBOSS 4.0.1SP1, which use several external jars. These external jars reside in the server/default/lib-folder. All my projects use the same versions of jars, so version conflicts do not appear and isolated classloading is not necessary.

      The problem is, that when I update a jar in the server/default/lib-folder, the chaneges do not take effect automatically. I have to restart the jboss to let this new jar-file be loaded.

      My question is: Is it possible somehow to reload the jars in server/default/lib without restarting the whole server?

      I know, I could use isolated classloading by adding the jars to my projects, so that all classes are reloaded on redeploy. But that would cause unnecessary redundance of loaded classes, because all my projects use the same jar-versions? That's why I placed them in the server/default/lib-folder.

      Can anybody help?
      Thanks in advance,


        • 1. Re: reload jars in server/default/lib

          Classes in server/xxx/lib are statically deployed.

          • 2. Re: reload jars in server/default/lib

            I have a similar question; we are using JBoss 3.2.7. We have our own shared JAR repository that we load by including the following in our server's jboss-service.xml file:

            I see all these classes listed in the LoaderRepository service. If I update one of the JARs, then via the jmx-console invoke the "flush" method of the LoaderRepository service, will it cause the loader to reload all the JARs, including the new one?

            If not, is there a mechanism to do this in a new JBoss version? Upgrading is an option for us. Thanks.