1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 28, 2008 5:20 AM by nbelaevski

    rich:datascroller button doesnt work



      I am using rich:datascroller for rich:dataTable. I noticed that the button for taking to next/previous page doesnt work. On first click to ">" button, it works, but on subsequent clicks it doesn't do anything. Here is how I am using

      <rich:datascroller align="center" for="dataListId" id="sc1" renderIfSinglePage="false"/>
      <rich:dataTable id="dataListId" value="#{backingBean.dataList}" width="900" var="dataVo" rows="10">

      On first click it takes me to 2nd page, but it doesn't work later. Two other buttons for taking to last & first page works though.

      Please let me know if I am missing any flags/attributes.


      Vikas Sharma