3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 15, 2007 12:06 PM by peterj

    Replace Hypersonic with Oracle:  Does each server need separ


      I can't seem to find this answer anywhere....

      If I am replacing DefaultDS from Hypersonic to Oracle, do I need a separate Oracle schema for each JBoss server instance?

      If I have a multi-node cluster, does each node in the cluster also need its own schema?

      My gut feeling is that each node or instance will need its own schema, but my DBA really wants to know if that is necessary.


        • 1. Re: Replace Hypersonic with Oracle:  Does each server need s

          I think the answer to this question is: it depends on the service. For example, with recent versions of JBoss Messaging all of the nodes in a cluster should be able to share a single database (though I believe it would also work if each had its own database). But with other services, such as the uuid generator, I think each needs it own database.

          (Replace "database" with "schema" in the above for Oracle. It has been too long since I have consistently used Oracle and am no longer thinking in Oracle terms.)

          • 2. Re: Replace Hypersonic with Oracle:  Does each server need s

            The one that I am most concerned with is the container managed persistence. We don't use JMS yet, but we are embarking on some EJB3 stuff and I want to make sure that when we cluster our servers I have everything covered.

            • 3. Re: Replace Hypersonic with Oracle:  Does each server need s

              For EJBs, there should not be a problem. Having EJBs from multiple app servers hitting the same data in the database is no different than have several standalone applications each accessing the same database data, that is what database were built for.