1. Re: ExtendedDataTable implementation discussion
abelevich Oct 30, 2009 1:33 PM (in response to konstantin.mishin)I have created component like ScrollableDataTable. It have same functionality, but more simple in implementation. I propose to include this component in RichFaces 4.0 after necessary modifications(fix client side, implement RichFaces 4.0 table model). At the moment it doesn't support column resizing and have several problems, but, in my opinion, have bigger potential than ScrollableDataTable.
What potentially problems do you see in the current div based mockup implementation? Could you provide more detailed information about advantages of using yours mockup?
Thanks! -
2. Re: ExtendedDataTable implementation discussion
jbalunas Oct 30, 2009 3:32 PM (in response to konstantin.mishin)Yes please - some more details of this component would be good.
We really wanted to avoid having three table component as in RF 3.3.X. So I would be curious if some of the functionality of you table could be included in the extendedDataTable.
Also feel free to commit this type of work in the http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/richfaces/root/ui-sandbox/trunk/components/ directory. That way we can review and discuss. Just be sure to include a readme in the directory so that in the future we know what is contained in the directory. -
3. Re: ExtendedDataTable implementation discussion
konstantin.mishin Nov 2, 2009 10:51 AM (in response to konstantin.mishin)"abelevich" wrote:
What potentially problems do you see in the current div based mockup implementation? Could you provide more detailed information about advantages of using yours mockup?
Current div based mockup implementationdoesn't correct support elements with position:absolute inside
doesn't support footers
doesn't support mouse wheel in frozen part
need more JS for synchronization of scrolling
4. Re: ExtendedDataTable implementation discussion
jbalunas Nov 2, 2009 10:58 AM (in response to konstantin.mishin)"konstantin.mishin" wrote:
Current div based mockup implementationdoesn't correct support elements with position:absolute inside
doesn't support footers
doesn't support mouse wheel in frozen part
need more JS for synchronization of scrolling
Are issues with the current ExtendedDataTable mockups? If so we need to either address or discuss switching to a table based layout for the EDT.
Lex - any comments? -
5. Re: ExtendedDataTable implementation discussion
konstantin.mishin Nov 2, 2009 11:06 AM (in response to konstantin.mishin)"jbalunas@redhat.com" wrote:
We really wanted to avoid having three table component as in RF 3.3.X. So I would be curious if some of the functionality of you table could be included in the extendedDataTable.
I think to have two tables. I propose to use my mockup and JS in extendedDataTable. -
6. Re: ExtendedDataTable implementation discussion
jbalunas Nov 2, 2009 1:25 PM (in response to konstantin.mishin)Semantically speaking using a table for the EDT is appropriate, so I would tend to agree with you.
What are we gaining by using DIVs for the EDT? -
7. Re: ExtendedDataTable implementation discussion
admitriev Nov 10, 2009 11:17 AM (in response to konstantin.mishin)Personally for me - If a tables can help us to make a component easy (markup, JS, speed of work) - I think we should use they. If it vice versa - we shouldn't use they. In my opinion in this case a tables can help us.