7 Replies Latest reply on Dec 4, 2008 7:24 AM by cityguy503

    still executing


      i am new to JBOSS.
      I had deployed an EAR file in JBOSS and started the it's execution.
      But after some time my friend had removed the ear file from the server when it is under executing state unknowingly. I wonder to see that JBOSS is still executing the previous EAR file. What are the reasons for it? it would be great for me if any body provides the answer.

        • 1. Re: still executing

          is there anybody who knows the answer. I tried in google, but of no use.

          • 2. Re: still executing

            Which version of JBoss and what operating system? How was the application deployed and how was it removed? And also please provide more details about what you mean by "executing previous EAR"

            • 3. Re: still executing


              "jaikiran" wrote:
              Which version of JBoss and what operating system? How was the application deployed and how was it removed? And also please provide more details about what you mean by "executing previous EAR"

              thanx for responding.
              We are using jboss-4.2.3.GA version.
              This JBOSS is installed in UNIX operating system machine.
              The JBOSS server is executing the same EAR that is been removed in the middle by my friend.
              My question is how it can execute a file that is removed in the middle?

              • 4. Re: still executing

                So was it removed from the deploy folder? Was the server restarted after removing this from the deploy folder? After the server restart, is the application still available?

                • 5. Re: still executing


                  "jaikiran" wrote:
                  So was it removed from the deploy folder? Was the server restarted after removing this from the deploy folder? After the server restart, is the application still available?

                  Once again thank you very much for your quick response.
                  Yeah,the EAR file is removed from the deploy folder.
                  The server was not restarted,but it is still executing the removed file.
                  What I thought is, since the file is removed from the deploy directory when it is under use by server,it should stop the execution of the file by throwing an exception.
                  But it is not happened.
                  just clarify.

                  • 6. Re: still executing


                    What I thought is, since the file is removed from the deploy directory when it is under use by server,it should stop the execution

                    It depends. If you have hot deployment scanner disabled, then the application will not be undeployed when the ear is removed. Has the jboss-service.xml file under %JBOSS_HOME%/server/< serverName>/conf been changed by someone? By default the HDScanner MBean has ScanEnabled as true. Can you post the contents of that file?

                    • 7. Re: still executing


                      "jaikiran" wrote:
                      What I thought is, since the file is removed from the deploy directory when it is under use by server,it should stop the execution

                      It depends. If you have hot deployment scanner disabled, then the application will not be undeployed when the ear is removed. Has the jboss-service.xml file under %JBOSS_HOME%/server/< serverName>/conf been changed by someone? By default the HDScanner MBean has ScanEnabled as true. Can you post the contents of that file?

                      Here i am providing the contents of that xml file
                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                      <!-- $Id: jboss-service.xml 62434 2007-04-19 21:22:50Z dimitris@jboss.org $ -->
                      <!-- ===================================================================== -->
                      <!-- JBoss Server Configuration -->
                      <!-- ===================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Load all jars from the JBOSS_DIST/server/<config>/lib directory. This
                       can be restricted to specific jars by specifying them in the archives
                       <classpath codebase="${jboss.server.lib.url:lib}" archives="*"/>
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- JSR-77 Single JBoss Server Management Domain -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.management.j2ee.LocalJBossServerDomain"
                       <attribute name="MainDeployer">jboss.system:service=MainDeployer</attribute>
                       <attribute name="SARDeployer">jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer</attribute>
                       <attribute name="EARDeployer">jboss.j2ee:service=EARDeployer</attribute>
                       <attribute name="EJBDeployer">jboss.ejb:service=EJBDeployer</attribute>
                       <attribute name="RARDeployer">jboss.jca:service=RARDeployer</attribute>
                       <attribute name="CMDeployer">jboss.jca:service=ConnectionFactoryDeployer</attribute>
                       <attribute name="WARDeployer">jboss.web:service=WebServer</attribute>
                       <attribute name="CARDeployer">jboss.j2ee:service=ClientDeployer</attribute>
                       <attribute name="MailService">jboss:service=Mail</attribute>
                       <attribute name="JMSService">jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager</attribute>
                       <attribute name="JNDIService">jboss:service=Naming</attribute>
                       <attribute name="JTAService">jboss:service=TransactionManager</attribute>
                       <attribute name="UserTransactionService">jboss:service=ClientUserTransaction</attribute>
                       <attribute name="RMI_IIOPService">jboss:service=CorbaORB</attribute>
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- XMBean Persistence -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.system.pm.AttributePersistenceService"
                       <!-- the AttributePersistenceService is persistent, itself -->
                       <attribute name="AttributePersistenceManagerClass">org.jboss.system.pm.XMLAttributePersistenceManager</attribute>
                       <attribute name="AttributePersistenceManagerConfig">
                       <attribute name="ApmDestroyOnServiceStop">false</attribute>
                       <attribute name="VersionTag"></attribute>
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Thread Pool -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- A Thread pool service -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.util.threadpool.BasicThreadPool"
                       <attribute name="Name">JBoss System Threads</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ThreadGroupName">System Threads</attribute>
                       <!-- How long a thread will live without any tasks in MS -->
                       <attribute name="KeepAliveTime">60000</attribute>
                       <!-- The max number of threads in the pool -->
                       <attribute name="MaximumPoolSize">10</attribute>
                       <!-- The max number of tasks before the queue is full -->
                       <attribute name="MaximumQueueSize">1000</attribute>
                       <!-- The behavior of the pool when a task is added and the queue is full.
                       abort - a RuntimeException is thrown
                       run - the calling thread executes the task
                       wait - the calling thread blocks until the queue has room
                       discard - the task is silently discarded without being run
                       discardOldest - check to see if a task is about to complete and enque
                       the new task if possible, else run the task in the calling thread
                       <attribute name="BlockingMode">run</attribute>
                       <!-- Preload all custom editors for VMs that don't use the thread
                       context class loader when searching for PropertyEditors. Uncomment
                       if your JDK 1.3.0 VM fails to find JBoss PropertyEditors.
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.varia.property.PropertyEditorManagerService"
                       <attribute name="BootstrapEditors">
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Log4j Initialization -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.logging.Log4jService"
                       <attribute name="ConfigurationURL">resource:jboss-log4j.xml</attribute>
                       <!-- Set the org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogLog.setQuiteMode. As of log4j1.2.8
                       this needs to be set to avoid a possible deadlock on exception at the
                       appender level. See bug#696819.
                       <attribute name="Log4jQuietMode">true</attribute>
                       <!-- How frequently in seconds the ConfigurationURL is checked for changes -->
                       <attribute name="RefreshPeriod">60</attribute>
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Active Alarm Table -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       | The ActiveAlarmTable service is a simple JMX notification listener
                       | that maintains a table with the received notifications (alarms).
                       | The alarms can be acknowledged through the jmx or the web console.
                       | Modify the SubscriptionList below to subscribe for any notification
                       | in the system and treat it as an alarm.
                       | The JMXNotificationAppender is a log4j Appender that can be configured
                       | in log4j.xml, that trasforms logging events to JMX notification so they
                       | can be fed back into the table. By storing the WARN or higher level logging
                       | events you can have a quick view of important system faults.
                       | The following attributes may be set:
                       | MaxTableSize (default 1000)
                       | - set an upper limit to the number of stored alarms
                       | LogLevel (default DEBUG)
                       | - the log level to use for received notification, can be set to NONE
                       | ServerId (default jboss)
                       | - used to construct unique alarm ids
                       | SubscriptionList
                       | - subscribe for the notifications to be stored in the table
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.services.ActiveAlarmTable"
                       <attribute name="SubscriptionList">
                       <mbean name="jboss.monitor:*">
                       <notification type="jboss.alarm"/>
                       <notification type="JBOSS_MONITOR_NOTIFICATION"/>
                       <mbean name="jboss.system:service=Logging,type=JMXNotificationAppender"/>
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- JBoss RMI Classloader - only install when available -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.util.property.jmx.SystemPropertyClassValue"
                       <attribute name="Property">java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoaderSpi</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ClassName">org.jboss.system.JBossRMIClassLoader</attribute>
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Service Binding -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Automatically activated when generatting the clustering environment -->
                       <!-- @TESTSUITE_CLUSTER_CONFIG@ -->
                       | Binding service manager for port/host mapping. This is a sample
                       | config that demonstrates a JBoss instances with a server name 'ports-01'
                       | loading its bindings from an XML file using the ServicesStoreFactory
                       | implementation returned by the XMLServicesStoreFactory.
                       | ServerName: The unique name assigned to a JBoss server instance for
                       | lookup purposes. This allows a single ServicesStore to handle mulitiple
                       | JBoss servers.
                       | StoreURL: The URL string passed to org.jboss.services.binding.ServicesStore
                       | during initialization that specifies how to connect to the bindings store.
                       | StoreFactory: The org.jboss.services.binding.ServicesStoreFactory interface
                       | implementation to create to obtain the ServicesStore instance.
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingManager"
                       <attribute name="ServerName">ports-01</attribute>
                       <attribute name="StoreURL">${jboss.home.url}/docs/examples/binding-manager/sample-bindings.xml</attribute>
                       <attribute name="StoreFactoryClassName">
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Class Loading -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- A mini webserver used for dynamic and class and resource loading -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.web.WebService"
                       <!-- The Bind address and Port -->
                       <attribute name="BindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
                       <attribute name="Port">8083</attribute>
                       <!-- The address to use for the host portion of the RMI codebase URL -->
                       <attribute name="Host">${java.rmi.server.hostname}</attribute>
                       <!-- Should non-EJB .class files be downloadable -->
                       <attribute name="DownloadServerClasses">true</attribute>
                       <!-- Should resources other than .class files be downloadable. Both
                       DownloadServerClasses and DownloadResources must be true for resources
                       to be downloadable. This is false by default because its generally a
                       bad idea as server configuration files that container security
                       information can be accessed.
                       <attribute name="DownloadResources">false</attribute>
                       <!-- Use the default thread pool for dynamic class loading -->
                       <depends optional-attribute-name="ThreadPool"
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- JNDI -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- A simple mbean wrapper around the jndi Naming object. This
                       only handles an in memory instance. The NamingService uses this
                       as the JNDI store and exposes it remotely.
                       <mbean code="org.jnp.server.NamingBeanImpl"
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.naming.NamingService"
                       <!-- The call by value mode. true if all lookups are unmarshalled using
                       the caller's TCL, false if in VM lookups return the value by reference.
                       <attribute name="CallByValue">false</attribute>
                       <!-- The listening port for the bootstrap JNP service. Set this to -1
                       to run the NamingService without the JNP invoker listening port.
                       <attribute name="Port">1099</attribute>
                       <!-- The bootstrap JNP server bind address. This also sets the default
                       RMI service bind address. Empty == all addresses
                       <attribute name="BindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
                       <!-- The port of the RMI naming service, 0 == anonymous -->
                       <attribute name="RmiPort">1098</attribute>
                       <!-- The RMI service bind address. Empty == all addresses
                       <attribute name="RmiBindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
                       <!-- The thread pool service used to control the bootstrap lookups -->
                       <depends optional-attribute-name="LookupPool"
                       <!-- An example of using the unifed invoker as the transport.
                       <depends optional-attribute-name="InvokerProxyFactory"
                       <depends optional-attribute-name="Naming"
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.naming.JNDIView"
                       <!-- The HANamingService service name -->
                       <attribute name="HANamingService">jboss:service=HAJNDI</attribute>
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Security -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.security.plugins.SecurityConfig"
                       <attribute name="LoginConfig">jboss.security:service=XMLLoginConfig</attribute>
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.security.auth.login.XMLLoginConfig"
                       <attribute name="ConfigResource">login-config.xml</attribute>
                       <!-- JAAS security manager and realm mapping -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManagerService"
                       <!-- A flag which indicates whether the SecurityAssociation server mode
                       is set on service creation. This is true by default since the
                       SecurityAssociation should be thread local for multi-threaded server
                       <attribute name="ServerMode">true</attribute>
                       <attribute name="SecurityManagerClassName">org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManager</attribute>
                       <attribute name="DefaultUnauthenticatedPrincipal">anonymous</attribute>
                       <!-- DefaultCacheTimeout: Specifies the default timed cache policy timeout
                       in seconds.
                       If you want to disable caching of security credentials, set this to 0 to
                       force authentication to occur every time. This has no affect if the
                       AuthenticationCacheJndiName has been changed from the default value.
                       <attribute name="DefaultCacheTimeout">1800</attribute>
                       <!-- DefaultCacheResolution: Specifies the default timed cache policy
                       resolution in seconds. This controls the interval at which the cache
                       current timestamp is updated and should be less than the DefaultCacheTimeout
                       in order for the timeout to be meaningful. This has no affect if the
                       AuthenticationCacheJndiName has been changed from the default value.
                       <attribute name="DefaultCacheResolution">60</attribute>
                       <!-- DeepCopySubjectMode: This set the copy mode of subjects done by the
                       security managers to be deep copies that makes copies of the subject
                       principals and credentials if they are cloneable. It should be set to
                       true if subject include mutable content that can be corrupted when
                       multiple threads have the same identity and cache flushes/logout clearing
                       the subject in one thread results in subject references affecting other
                       <attribute name="DeepCopySubjectMode">false</attribute>
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Transactions -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- The configurable Xid factory. For use with Oracle, set pad to true -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.tm.XidFactory"
                       <!--attribute name="Pad">true</attribute-->
                       | The fast in-memory transaction manager.
                       | Deprecated in JBossAS v4.2. Use JBossTS JTA instead.
                       - ->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.tm.TransactionManagerService"
                       <attribute name="TransactionTimeout">300</attribute>
                       <!- - set to false to disable transaction demarcation over IIOP - ->
                       <attribute name="GlobalIdsEnabled">true</attribute>
                       <depends optional-attribute-name="XidFactory">jboss:service=XidFactory</depends>
                       <!- - Transaction Integrity Checking - ->
                       <!- - Force a rollback if another thread is associated with the transaction at commit - ->
                       <!- - <depends optional-attribute-name="TransactionIntegrityFactory"
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.tm.integrity.FailIncompleteTransaction"
                       </depends> - ->
                       <!-- JBoss Transactions JTA -->
                       <mbean code="com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.jta.TransactionManagerService"
                       <attribute name="TransactionTimeout">300</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ObjectStoreDir">${jboss.server.data.dir}/tx-object-store</attribute>
                       | UserTransaction support.
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.tm.usertx.server.ClientUserTransactionService"
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPProxyFactory"
                       <attribute name="InvokerName">jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp</attribute>
                       <attribute name="TargetName">jboss:service=ClientUserTransaction</attribute>
                       <attribute name="JndiName">UserTransactionSessionFactory</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ExportedInterface">org.jboss.tm.usertx.interfaces.UserTransactionSessionFactory</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ClientInterceptors">
                       <depends optional-attribute-name="TxProxyName">
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPProxyFactory"
                       <attribute name="InvokerName">jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp</attribute>
                       <attribute name="TargetName">jboss:service=ClientUserTransaction</attribute>
                       <attribute name="JndiName"></attribute>
                       <attribute name="ExportedInterface">org.jboss.tm.usertx.interfaces.UserTransactionSession</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ClientInterceptors">
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Invokers to the JMX node -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Unified invoker (based on remoting) -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.invocation.unified.server.UnifiedInvoker"
                       <!-- To turn on strict RMI exception propagation uncomment block below -->
                       <!-- This will cause the UnifiedInvokerProxy to wrap RemoteExceptions -->
                       <!-- within a ServerException, otherwise will throw root exception -->
                       <!-- (not RemoteException) -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="StrictRMIException">true</attribute> -->
                       <!-- RMI/JRMP invoker -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPInvoker"
                       <attribute name="RMIObjectPort">4444</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ServerAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
                       <attribute name="RMIClientSocketFactory">custom</attribute>
                       <attribute name="RMIServerSocketFactory">custom</attribute>
                       <attribute name="RMIServerSocketAddr">custom</attribute>
                       <attribute name="SecurityDomain">ssl-domain-name</attribute>
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.invocation.local.LocalInvoker"
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.invocation.pooled.server.PooledInvoker"
                       <attribute name="NumAcceptThreads">1</attribute>
                       <attribute name="MaxPoolSize">300</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ClientMaxPoolSize">300</attribute>
                       <attribute name="SocketTimeout">60000</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ServerBindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ServerBindPort">4445</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ClientConnectAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ClientConnectPort">0</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ClientRetryCount">1</attribute>
                       <attribute name="EnableTcpNoDelay">false</attribute>
                       <!-- Customized socket factory attributes
                       <attribute name="ClientSocketFactoryName">custom.client.factory</attribute>
                       <attribute name="ServerSocketFactoryName">custom.server.factory</attribute>
                       <attribute name="SslDomain">java:/jaas/pooledInvoker</attribute>
                       <depends optional-attribute-name="TransactionManagerService">jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Remoting services -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- For detailed description of all these configuration attributes, please see the -->
                       <!-- JBoss Remoting User's Guide or wiki (http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossremoting/docs/guide/index.html) -->
                       <!-- The NetworkRegistry contains all the local and remote -->
                       <!-- servers that it recognizes. The remote ones registered -->
                       <!-- are dependant on the detectors running and which domains -->
                       <!-- they are configured to identify. -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.remoting.network.NetworkRegistry"
                       <!-- The Connector is the core component of the remoting server service. -->
                       <!-- It binds the remoting invoker (transport protocol, callback configuration, -->
                       <!-- data marshalling, etc.) with the invocation handlers. -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector"
                       display-name="Socket transport Connector">
                       <!-- Can either just specify the InvokerLocator attribute and not the invoker element in the -->
                       <!-- Configuration attribute, or do the full invoker configuration in the in invoker element -->
                       <!-- of the Configuration attribute. -->
                       <!-- Remember that if you do use more than one param on the uri, will have to include as a CDATA, -->
                       <!-- otherwise, parser will complain. -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="InvokerLocator"><![CDATA[socket://${jboss.bind.address}:4446/?datatype=invocation]]></attribute> -->
                       <attribute name="Configuration">
                       <!-- Using the following <invoker> element instead of the InvokerLocator above because specific attributes needed. -->
                       <!-- If wanted to use any of the parameters below, can just add them as parameters to the url above if wanted use the InvokerLocator attribute. -->
                       <!-- Other than transport type and handler, none of these configurations are required (will just use defaults). -->
                       <invoker transport="socket">
                       <attribute name="dataType" isParam="true">invocation</attribute>
                       <attribute name="marshaller" isParam="true">org.jboss.invocation.unified.marshall.InvocationMarshaller</attribute>
                       <attribute name="unmarshaller" isParam="true">org.jboss.invocation.unified.marshall.InvocationUnMarshaller</attribute>
                       <!-- This will be port on which the marshall loader port runs on. -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="loaderport" isParam="true">4447</attribute> -->
                       <!-- The following are specific to socket invoker -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="numAcceptThreads">1</attribute>-->
                       <!-- <attribute name="maxPoolSize">303</attribute>-->
                       <!-- <attribute name="clientMaxPoolSize" isParam="true">304</attribute>-->
                       <attribute name="socketTimeout" isParam="true">600000</attribute>
                       <attribute name="serverBindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
                       <attribute name="serverBindPort">4446</attribute>
                       <!-- <attribute name="clientConnectAddress"></attribute> -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="clientConnectPort">7777</attribute> -->
                       <attribute name="enableTcpNoDelay" isParam="true">true</attribute>
                       <!-- <attribute name="backlog">200</attribute>-->
                       <!-- The following is for callback configuration and is independant of invoker type -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="callbackMemCeiling">30</attribute>-->
                       <!-- indicates callback store by fully qualified class name -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="callbackStore">org.jboss.remoting.CallbackStore</attribute>-->
                       <!-- indicates callback store by object name -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="callbackStore">jboss.remoting:service=CallbackStore,type=Serializable</attribute> -->
                       <!-- config params for callback store. if were declaring callback store via object name, -->
                       <!-- could have specified these config params there. -->
                       <!-- StoreFilePath indicates to which directory to write the callback objects. -->
                       <!-- The default value is the property value of 'jboss.server.data.dir' and if this is not set, -->
                       <!-- then will be 'data'. Will then append 'remoting' and the callback client's session id. -->
                       <!-- An example would be 'data\remoting\5c4o05l-9jijyx-e5b6xyph-1-e5b6xyph-2'. -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="StoreFilePath">callback</attribute>-->
                       <!-- StoreFileSuffix indicates the file suffix to use for the callback objects written to disk. -->
                       <!-- The default value for file suffix is 'ser'. -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="StoreFileSuffix">cst</attribute>-->
                       <!-- At least one handler is required by the connector. If have more than one, must decalre -->
                       <!-- different subsystem values. Otherwise, all invocations will be routed to the only one -->
                       <!-- that is declared. -->
                       <!-- can also specify handler by fully qualified classname -->
                       <handler subsystem="invoker">jboss:service=invoker,type=unified</handler>
                       <!-- <mbean code="org.jboss.remoting.detection.jndi.JNDIDetector"-->
                       <!-- name="jboss.remoting:service=Detector,transport=jndi">-->
                       <!-- host to which the detector will connect to for the JNDI server. -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="Host">localhost</attribute>-->
                       <!-- port to which detector will connect to for the JNDI server. -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="Port">5555</attribute>-->
                       <!-- context factory string used when connecting to the JNDI server. -->
                       <!-- The default is org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory. -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="ContextFactory">org.acme.NamingContextFactory</attribute> -->
                       <!-- url package string to use when connecting to the JNDI server. -->
                       <!-- The default is org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces. -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="URLPackage">org.acme.naming</attribute> -->
                       <!-- Sets the number of detection iterations before manually pinging -->
                       <!-- remote server to make sure still alive. This is needed since remote server -->
                       <!-- could crash and yet still have an entry in the JNDI server, -->
                       <!-- thus making it appear that it is still there. The default value is 5. -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="CleanDetectionNumber">20</attribute>-->
                       <!-- Specifies the domains in which the detector will recognize -->
                       <!-- detections. If servers are not configured to be in these -->
                       <!-- domains, they will not be added to NetworkRegistry. -->
                       <!-- <attribute name="Configuration">-->
                       <!-- <domains>-->
                       <!-- <domain>roxanne</domain>-->
                       <!-- <domain>sparky</domain>-->
                       <!-- </domains>-->
                       <!-- </attribute>-->
                       <!-- </mbean>-->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Monitoring and Management -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Uncomment to enable JMX monitoring of the bean cache
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.BeanCacheMonitor"
                       <!-- Uncomment to enable JMX monitoring of the entity bean locking
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.monitor.EntityLockMonitor"
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- An MBean that is a registry for JDBC type-mapping metadata -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.metadata.MetaDataLibrary"
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- Deployment Scanning -->
                       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                       <!-- An mbean for hot deployment/undeployment of archives.
                       <mbean code="org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScanner"
                       <!-- Uncomment (and comment/remove version below) to enable usage of the
                       <depends optional-attribute-name="Deployer">jboss.deployment:type=DeploymentCache</depends>
                       <depends optional-attribute-name="Deployer">jboss.system:service=MainDeployer</depends>
                       <!-- The URLComparator can be used to specify a deployment ordering
                       for deployments found in a scanned directory. The class specified
                       must be an implementation of java.util.Comparator, it must be able
                       to compare two URL objects, and it must have a no-arg constructor.
                       Two deployment comparators are shipped with JBoss:
                       - org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentSorter
                       Sorts by file extension, as follows:
                       "sar", "service.xml", "rar", "jar", "war", "wsr", "ear", "zip",
                       - org.jboss.deployment.scanner.PrefixDeploymentSorter
                       If the name portion of the url begins with 1 or more digits, those
                       digits are converted to an int (ignoring leading zeroes), and
                       files are deployed in that order. Files that do not start with
                       any digits will be deployed first, and they will be sorted by
                       extension as above with DeploymentSorter.
                       <attribute name="URLComparator">org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentSorter</attribute>
                       <attribute name="URLComparator">org.jboss.deployment.scanner.PrefixDeploymentSorter</attribute>
                       <!-- The FilterInstance specifies a URLLister.URLFilter for scanned
                       directories. This DeploymentFilter is initialized with the given
                       prefixes, suffixes and matches that define which URLs should be
                       <attribute name="FilterInstance"
                       <!-- Files starting with theses strings are ignored -->
                       <property name="prefixes">#,%,\,,.,_$</property>
                       <!-- Files ending with theses strings are ignored -->
                       <property name="suffixes">#,$,%,~,\,v,.BAK,.bak,.old,.orig,.tmp,.rej,.sh</property>
                       <!-- Files matching with theses strings are ignored -->
                       <property name="matches">.make.state,.nse_depinfo,CVS,CVS.admin,RCS,RCSLOG,SCCS,TAGS,core,tags</property>
                       <!-- Frequency in milliseconds to rescan the URLs for changes -->
                       <attribute name="ScanPeriod">5000</attribute>
                       <!-- A flag to disable the scans -->
                       <attribute name="ScanEnabled">true</attribute>
                       <!-- URLs are comma separated and resolve relative to the server home URL
                       unless the given path is absolute. If the URL ends in "/" it is
                       considered a collection and scanned, otherwise it is simply deployed;
                       this follows RFC2518 convention and allows discrimination between
                       collections and directories that are simply unpacked archives.
                       URLs may be local (file:) or remote (http:). Scanning is supported
                       for remote URLs but unpacked deployment units are not.
                       Example URLs:
                       scans ${jboss.server.url}/deploy/, which is local or remote
                       depending on the URL used to boot the server
                       scans ${jboss.server.home)/deploy, which is always local
                       deploy myapp.ear from a local location
                       scans the specified directory
                       deploys myapp.ear from a remote location
                       scans the specified WebDAV location
                       <attribute name="URLs">
                       <!-- Indicates if the scanner should recursively scan directories that
                       contain no "." in their names. This can be used to group applications
                       and services that must be deployed and that have the same
                       logical function in the same directory i.e.
                       <attribute name="RecursiveSearch">True</attribute>