2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 14, 2008 7:24 AM by a.a.nixon

    Move jars from WAR to Jboss/server/default/lib folder. And s



      I have:
      1) JBoss 4.0.5 GA
      2) My EAR Application:
      a) PortalApp.war (liferay/struts).
      b) portletApp.war (struts) - this is a portlet for PortalApp.war.

      I want:
      Move struts jars in Jboss/server/default/lib folder for use them in PortalApp.war and portletApp.war.

      I did this. And tried to strat JBoss. JBoss started perfectly. But when i tray
      to access any page in PortalApp.war or to open portletApp in portal I have an exception:
      javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing message for key "activity.lable".

      Struts can't find any massage. I debugged and i understand that struts can't find resource bundles at all.

      Additional information: UseJBossWebLoader - false is setted.

      Thanks in advice.