2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 28, 2007 10:54 AM by gugi

    about Safari browser A4J and maybe input type=file ...


      Hi all,

      i have a problem with a4j in safari browser, but not sure that's the matter of a4j, so i'd like to know is there such reported bug or some known problem similiar to this one.

      i have a tag which submits the form into hidden iframe (for to upload a file without reloading the page). on upload complete it evaluates js code generated by <a4j:support to rerender something.

      all that works fine in Safari as well. but in Safari browser in takes too much time to carry out rerender.
      all other ajax requests works pretty fast, but on after submiting in iframe and evaluating rerender after upload complete it hangs about a minute.

      a4j:status turns into start mode and after a minute rerender happens.

      just have no idea what can cause this?!
      i'm susspecting on <input type=file which isn't reset after beeing submited in iframe..
      BUT! from the other side.. all that works under konqueror and all other browsers, and as i know safari took the engine of konqueror.

      Any ideas about this?

      with best regards,