2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 7, 2009 7:39 AM by eurokey

    Where is the jsf-api.jar?



      I'm trying to develop a Web Application with Java Server Faces. If I use Glassfish erverything is fine but with jboss there are errors.

      The Problem is, if i add jboss as Server i don't get the jsf-api.jar included.
      Without this file it's not possible to compile my applikation.

      If I includ this file by my self jboss dosen't deploy the Projekt with the following error Message:

      Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.config.JBossJSFConfigureListener

      How can i use the jsf-api without crashing jboss?

        • 1. Re: Where is the jsf-api.jar?

          JBoss AS already provides the JSF JAR files, so including them in your WAR will cause problems. You need to ensure that the WAR does nto contain the JSF JAR files.

          For your post, I suspect that you are using an IDE. Which one? If NetBeans, I don't know how to convince it to use a JAR file during the compile but not package it in the WAR for deployment. For Eclipse, I recommend using JBoss Tools also - it knows how to properly package WARs for deployment to JBoss AS.

          • 2. Re: Where is the jsf-api.jar?


            first let me thank for your answer.

            I finally solved the problem. I still include the jsf jars as Library but uncheck the "package" checkbox so the files are not packed in the war file.

            Is this now the correct solution?