what is the correct or desired way to get the necessary files into the myproj.war file, given that I am using Ant?
OK - found the answer to this... problem was that I am running ubuntu, and so I was running the ant ear command using sudo, so it was pullin gproperties from root.properties rather than myuser.properties.
Thank again to everyone.
Typo - replace "zip task to built" with "jar task to build"
It would seem that you still have an AJP configured in the server.xml that's actually being used. First, make sure your Tomcat is using the server.xml you're editing (e.g., don't run it under an IDE). If that doesn't resolve the issue, post your entire server.xml here, minus comments and with sensitive fields obfuscated. Also look in all of the Tomcat logs for startup information about the various connectors and listeners that are active.