3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 17, 2002 11:20 AM by slaboure

    Override HA-JNDI default port from 1100?


      I'm evaluating JBoss3.0.RC1 and I have a requirement that I can configure two or more instances of a JBoss server to run on a single host without conflict, port address conflicts being the principal culprit.

      I've isolated most of the potential port conflicts but have been slowed down by the HA-JNDI service. Is there some way I can override the default HA-JNDI port value so I can launch two instances of a JBoss server without port conflict at startup.

      Looking in the cluster-service.xml file I don't see a port attribute on the service.

      Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

      ps. For those who have implemented this new functionality in the server, nice one indeed.

        • 1. Re: Override HA-JNDI default port from 1100?


          Yes, you can easily do this. Simply use the Port attribute i.e. :


          and replaces 1111 with your port.

          BTW, if both instances will always run (because it is just for testing or something like this), you may also simply use the HA-JNDI on *only one* node: if your beans are deployed on both app servers, the stubs found in jndi already contains sufficient knowledge.



          • 2. Re: Override HA-JNDI default port from 1100?

            Sacha, couldn't be much easier. I tried it out and it worked just as you indicated.

            Is there some way I can I find out what attributes (such as "Port") are associated with each of the default services (mbeans) that are preconfigured with a JBoss 3.0RC1 installation. For example, how can I find out all of the valid attributes associated with the HA-JNDI service? I'm in the process of downloading the source which no doubt will make it clearer but perhaps there are well known attributes documented somewhere?

            Thanks for the help.

            • 3. Re: Override HA-JNDI default port from 1100?

              Reading the clustering docs maybe.