1 Reply Latest reply on May 6, 2008 5:19 PM by sergeysmirnov

    Behaviour if limittolist is set to true



      I tried to reRender a component via java code using ajaxcontext. The component was encoded in the render phase and send to the client, but the component wasn't exchanged in the dom tree.

      I recognized that the last point was caused by the paramter limittolist which was set to true.

      I think this behaviour is not consistent. Either the component is not rendered and not send to the client if limittolist is set or the the component should be encoded, send and rerendered in the browser. I prefer the last way. In my case I rerender a div to popup error message panels. They should only appear if an error occured on the server. And the component with the limittolist paramter can't know if this will happen or not.

      What do you think

      Björn (Whats your problem with unicode? ;) Ok, call me Bjoern