0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 23, 2004 7:23 AM by sysuser1

    hajms client not working as it should


      hi all,
      i am setting a cluster of 2 nodes with jboss 3.2.5.
      i have set up mssql 2000 as the common database for jms.

      i have followed the steps to test the hajms, as follows

      1.Point your browser to the JMX Console where the client is hosted
      2.Locate the MBean jboss.mq.examples:HAJMSClient
      3.Run operation connectPublisher
      4.Run operation registerDurableSubscriberAndDisconnect
      5.Run operation publishMessageToTopic passing a test message (e.g. "TestHAJMS1?")
      6.See the value of attribute LastMessage?; It should be null

      In the JMX console for both server nodes

      1.Locate MBean jboss.ha:HASingletonDeployer
      2.See the value of attribute MasterNode?; It should be true on only one of the server nodes
      3.Run operation stop on the node that is currently the master

      after this step

      I am getting the following error..

      16:32:28,085 WARN [BasicQueue] Error during stop - removing subscriber Subscrip
      4f32ef destination=QUEUE.testQueue messageSelector=null Local Create]
      javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: The subscription was registered with a de
      stination that does not exist !
      at org.jboss.mq.server.ClientConsumer.removeSubscription(ClientConsumer.
      at org.jboss.mq.server.BasicQueue.stop(BasicQueue.java:640)
      at org.jboss.mq.server.JMSQueue.close(JMSQueue.java:152)


      please help!!! as soon as possible...

