7 Replies Latest reply on Jun 2, 2005 12:20 AM by ben.wang

    Session not replicated in JBoss 3.2.6


      Hello everybody,
      I hope somebody can help me solve this problem.
      I'm using Jboss 3.2.6 in a clustered environment. I have 2 JBoss 3.2.6 instances running on 2 different computers, with the IPs and
      I start them using "./run.sh -b -c all", and with "./run.sh -b -c all", and I have the following output:

      ./run.sh -b -c all
       JBoss Bootstrap Environment
       JBOSS_HOME: /home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6
       JAVA: /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin/java
       JAVA_OPTS: -server -Dprogram.name=run.sh
       CLASSPATH: /home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/bin/run.jar:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/lib/tools.jar
      11:33:45,122 INFO [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)...
      11:33:45,124 INFO [Server] Release ID: JBoss [WonderLand] 3.2.6 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_3_2_6 date=200410140106)
      11:33:45,125 INFO [Server] Home Dir: /home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6
      11:33:45,125 INFO [Server] Home URL: file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/
      11:33:45,125 INFO [Server] Library URL: file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/lib/
      11:33:45,127 INFO [Server] Patch URL: null
      11:33:45,127 INFO [Server] Server Name: all
      11:33:45,128 INFO [Server] Server Home Dir: /home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all
      11:33:45,128 INFO [Server] Server Home URL: file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/
      11:33:45,128 INFO [Server] Server Data Dir: /home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/data
      11:33:45,129 INFO [Server] Server Temp Dir: /home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/tmp
      11:33:45,129 INFO [Server] Server Config URL: file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/conf/
      11:33:45,130 INFO [Server] Server Library URL: file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/lib/
      11:33:45,130 INFO [Server] Root Deployment Filename: jboss-service.xml
      11:33:45,134 INFO [Server] Starting General Purpose Architecture (GPA)...
      11:33:45,724 INFO [ServerInfo] Java version: 1.4.2_04,Sun Microsystems Inc.
      11:33:45,724 INFO [ServerInfo] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 1.4.2_04-b05,Sun Microsystems Inc.
      11:33:45,725 INFO [ServerInfo] OS-System: Linux 2.6.10-1.771_FC2,i386
      11:33:46,290 INFO [Server] Core system initialized
      11:33:52,804 INFO [Log4jService$URLWatchTimerTask] Configuring from URL: resource:log4j.xml
      11:33:53,033 INFO [WebService] Using RMI server codebase:
      11:33:54,335 INFO [NamingService] Started jndi bootstrap jnpPort=1099, rmiPort=1098, backlog=50, bindAddress=/, Client SocketFactory=null, Server SocketFactory=org.jboss.net.sockets.DefaultSocketFactory@ad093076
      11:34:03,472 INFO [RARMetaData] Loading JBoss Resource Adapter for JDBC 2 XA drivers
      11:34:03,473 INFO [RARMetaData] Required license terms present. See deployment descriptor.
      11:34:06,971 INFO [DefaultPartition] Initializing
      11:34:07,129 INFO [UDP] unicast sockets will use interface
      11:34:07,138 INFO [UDP] socket information:
      local_addr= (additional data: 18 bytes), mcast_addr=, bind_addr=/, ttl=32
      sock: bound to, receive buffer size=110592, send buffer size=110592
      mcast_recv_sock: bound to, send buffer size=110592, receive buffer size=110592
      mcast_send_sock: bound to, send buffer size=110592, receive buffer size=110592
      11:34:07,141 INFO [STDOUT]
      GMS: address is (additional data: 18 bytes)
      11:34:09,172 INFO [DefaultPartition] Number of cluster members: 1
      11:34:09,172 INFO [DefaultPartition] Other members: 0
      11:34:09,172 INFO [DefaultPartition] Fetching state (will wait for 60000 milliseconds):
      11:34:09,185 INFO [DefaultPartition] New cluster view for partition DefaultPartition (id: 0, delta: 0) : []
      11:34:09,187 INFO [DefaultPartition] I am ( received membershipChanged event:
      11:34:09,187 INFO [DefaultPartition] Dead members: 0 ([])
      11:34:09,187 INFO [DefaultPartition] New Members : 0 ([])
      11:34:09,187 INFO [DefaultPartition] All Members : 1 ([])
      11:34:09,269 INFO [HANamingService] Listening on /
      11:34:09,274 INFO [DetachedHANamingService$AutomaticDiscovery] Listening on /, group=, HA-JNDI address=
      11:34:13,268 INFO [interceptors] InterceptorManager started with 0 SIs, 0 CIs and 2 IORIs
      11:34:13,444 INFO [orb] ORB run
      11:34:13,603 INFO [CorbaNamingService] Naming: [IOR:000000000000002B49444C3A6F6D672E6F72672F436F734E616D696E672F4E616D696E67436F6E746578744578743A312E300000000000020000000000000068000102000000000E3139322E3136382E312E323534000DC8000000114A426F73732F4E616D696E672F726F6F74000000000000020000000000000008000000004A414300000000010000001C00000000000100010000000105010001000101090000000105010001000000010000002C0000000000000001000000010000001C00000000000100010000000105010001000101090000000105010001]
      11:34:14,142 INFO [MailService] Mail Service bound to java:/Mail
      11:34:14,523 INFO [TreeCache] setClusterConfig(): setting cluster properties from xml to: UDP(bind_addr=;ip_mcast=true;ip_ttl=64;loopback=false;mcast_addr=;mcast_port=45577;mcast_recv_buf_size=80000;mcast_send_buf_size=150000;ucast_recv_buf_size=80000;ucast_send_buf_size=150000):PING(down_thread=false;num_initial_members=3;timeout=2000;up_thread=false):MERGE2(max_interval=20000;min_interval=10000):FD_SOCK:VERIFY_SUSPECT(down_thread=false;timeout=1500;up_thread=false):pbcast.NAKACK(down_thread=false;gc_lag=50;max_xmit_size=8192;retransmit_timeout=600,1200,2400,4800;up_thread=false):UNICAST(down_thread=false;min_threshold=10;timeout=600,1200,2400;window_size=100):pbcast.STABLE(desired_avg_gossip=20000;down_thread=false;up_thread=false):FRAG(down_thread=false;frag_size=8192;up_thread=false):pbcast.GMS(join_retry_timeout=2000;join_timeout=5000;print_local_addr=true;shun=true):pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER(down_thread=true;up_thread=true)
      11:34:14,545 INFO [TreeCache] interceptor chain is:
      class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.CallInterceptor
      class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.ReplicationInterceptor
      class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.TransactionInterceptor
      11:34:14,545 INFO [TreeCache] cache mode is REPL_ASYNC
      11:34:14,584 INFO [UDP] unicast sockets will use interface
      11:34:14,588 INFO [UDP] socket information:
      local_addr=, mcast_addr=, bind_addr=/, ttl=64
      sock: bound to, receive buffer size=80000, send buffer size=110592
      mcast_recv_sock: bound to, send buffer size=110592, receive buffer size=80000
      mcast_send_sock: bound to, send buffer size=110592, receive buffer size=80000
      11:34:14,590 INFO [STDOUT]
      GMS: address is
      11:34:16,594 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): new members: []
      11:34:16,595 INFO [TreeCache] new cache is null (maybe first member in cluster)
      11:34:16,595 INFO [TreeCache] state could not be retrieved (must be first member in group)
      11:34:17,636 INFO [Embedded] Catalina naming disabled
      11:34:20,471 INFO [Http11Protocol] Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-
      11:34:20,520 INFO [Catalina] Initialization processed in 2543 ms
      11:34:20,521 INFO [StandardService] Starting service jboss.web
      11:34:20,527 INFO [StandardEngine] Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.0.28
      11:34:20,552 INFO [StandardHost] XML validation disabled
      11:34:20,558 INFO [Engine] SingleSignOn[localhost]: Started
      11:34:20,618 INFO [Catalina] Server startup in 97 ms
      11:34:20,619 INFO [Tomcat5] Setting the cache name to jboss.cache:service=TomcatClusteringCache on jboss.web:type=Valve,name=ClusteredSingleSignOn,host=localhost
      11:34:20,985 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/invoker, warUrl=file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy/http-invoker.sar/invoker.war/
      11:34:22,458 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jboss-net, warUrl=file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy/jboss-net.sar/jboss-net.war/
      11:34:23,012 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/, warUrl=file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/ROOT.war/
      11:34:23,541 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jbossmq-httpil, warUrl=file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy-hasingleton/jms/jbossmq-httpil.sar/jbossmq-httpil.war/
      11:34:23,878 INFO [DefaultDS] Bound connection factory for resource adapter for ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=DefaultDS to JNDI name 'java:/DefaultDS'
      11:34:24,303 INFO [A] Bound to JNDI name: queue/A
      11:34:24,306 INFO [B] Bound to JNDI name: queue/B
      11:34:24,308 INFO [C] Bound to JNDI name: queue/C
      11:34:24,311 INFO [D] Bound to JNDI name: queue/D
      11:34:24,313 INFO [ex] Bound to JNDI name: queue/ex
      11:34:24,348 INFO [testTopic] Bound to JNDI name: topic/testTopic
      11:34:24,351 INFO [securedTopic] Bound to JNDI name: topic/securedTopic
      11:34:24,353 INFO [testDurableTopic] Bound to JNDI name: topic/testDurableTopic
      11:34:24,364 INFO [testQueue] Bound to JNDI name: queue/testQueue
      11:34:24,788 INFO [OILServerILService] JBossMQ OIL service available at : /
      11:34:24,864 INFO [UILServerILService] JBossMQ UIL service available at : /
      11:34:24,978 INFO [DLQ] Bound to JNDI name: queue/DLQ
      11:34:25,002 INFO [JmsXA] Bound connection factory for resource adapter for ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=TxCM,name=JmsXA to JNDI name 'java:/JmsXA'
      11:34:25,006 INFO [NethostDS] Bound connection factory for resource adapter for ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=NethostDS to JNDI name 'java:/NethostDS'
      11:34:25,065 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jmx-console, warUrl=file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy/jmx-console.war/
      11:34:25,501 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/web-console, warUrl=file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy/management/web-console.war/
      11:34:26,484 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/test, warUrl=file:/home/nethost/progs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/tmp/deploy/tmp31441test.war/
      11:34:26,551 INFO [JBossCacheManager] init(): replicationGranularity_ is 1 and invaldateSessionPolicy is 2
      11:34:26,842 INFO [JBossCacheManager] Starting JBossManager
      11:34:28,903 INFO [Http11Protocol] Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-
      11:34:29,167 INFO [ChannelSocket] JK2: ajp13 listening on /
      11:34:29,189 INFO [JkMain] Jk running ID=0 time=0/48 config=null
      11:34:29,242 INFO [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [3.2.6 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_3_2_6 date=200410140106)] Started in 43s:724ms
      11:35:04,256 INFO [DefaultPartition] New cluster view for partition DefaultPartition (id: 1, delta: 1) : [,]
      11:35:04,256 INFO [DefaultPartition] I am ( received membershipChanged event:
      11:35:04,256 INFO [DefaultPartition] Dead members: 0 ([])
      11:35:04,256 INFO [DefaultPartition] New Members : 1 ([])
      11:35:04,257 INFO [DefaultPartition] All Members : 2 ([,])
      11:35:13,443 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): new members: [,]
      11:35:13,471 INFO [TreeCache] locking the tree to obtain transient state
      11:35:13,478 INFO [TreeCache] returning the transient state (217 bytes)


      ./run.sh -b -c all
       JBoss Bootstrap Environment
       JBOSS_HOME: /work/programs/jboss-3.2.6
       JAVA: /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04//bin/java
       JAVA_OPTS: -server -Dprogram.name=run.sh
       CLASSPATH: /work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/bin/run.jar:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04//lib/tools.jar
      11:37:49,390 INFO [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)...
      11:37:49,393 INFO [Server] Release ID: JBoss [WonderLand] 3.2.6 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_3_2_6 date=200410140106)
      11:37:49,394 INFO [Server] Home Dir: /work/programs/jboss-3.2.6
      11:37:49,395 INFO [Server] Home URL: file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/
      11:37:49,395 INFO [Server] Library URL: file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/lib/
      11:37:49,398 INFO [Server] Patch URL: null
      11:37:49,399 INFO [Server] Server Name: all
      11:37:49,399 INFO [Server] Server Home Dir: /work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all
      11:37:49,400 INFO [Server] Server Home URL: file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/
      11:37:49,401 INFO [Server] Server Data Dir: /work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/data
      11:37:49,402 INFO [Server] Server Temp Dir: /work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/tmp
      11:37:49,404 INFO [Server] Server Config URL: file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/conf/
      11:37:49,405 INFO [Server] Server Library URL: file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/lib/
      11:37:49,406 INFO [Server] Root Deployment Filename: jboss-service.xml
      11:37:49,411 INFO [Server] Starting General Purpose Architecture (GPA)...
      11:37:50,224 INFO [ServerInfo] Java version: 1.4.2_04,Sun Microsystems Inc.
      11:37:50,225 INFO [ServerInfo] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 1.4.2_04-b05,Sun Microsystems Inc.
      11:37:50,225 INFO [ServerInfo] OS-System: Linux 2.6.10-1.771_FC2,i386
      11:37:50,966 INFO [Server] Core system initialized
      11:37:58,482 INFO [Log4jService$URLWatchTimerTask] Configuring from URL: resource:log4j.xml
      11:37:58,786 INFO [WebService] Using RMI server codebase:
      11:38:00,141 INFO [NamingService] Started jndi bootstrap jnpPort=1099, rmiPort=1098, backlog=50, bindAddress=/, Client SocketFactory=null, Server SocketFactory=org.jboss.net.sockets.DefaultSocketFactory@ad093076
      11:38:12,405 INFO [RARMetaData] Loading JBoss Resource Adapter for JDBC 2 XA drivers
      11:38:12,407 INFO [RARMetaData] Required license terms present. See deployment descriptor.
      11:38:17,893 INFO [DefaultPartition] Initializing
      11:38:18,164 INFO [UDP] unicast sockets will use interface
      11:38:18,184 INFO [UDP] socket information:
      local_addr= (additional data: 16 bytes), mcast_addr=, bind_addr=/, ttl=32
      sock: bound to, receive buffer size=131071, send buffer size=131071
      mcast_recv_sock: bound to, send buffer size=131071, receive buffer size=131071
      mcast_send_sock: bound to, send buffer size=131071, receive buffer size=131071
      11:38:18,203 INFO [STDOUT]
      GMS: address is (additional data: 16 bytes)
      11:38:20,575 INFO [DefaultPartition] Number of cluster members: 2
      11:38:20,576 INFO [DefaultPartition] Other members: 1
      11:38:20,576 INFO [DefaultPartition] Fetching state (will wait for 60000 milliseconds):
      11:38:20,587 INFO [DefaultPartition] New cluster view for partition DefaultPartition: 1 ([,] delta: 0)
      11:38:20,592 INFO [DefaultPartition] I am (null) received membershipChanged event:
      11:38:20,592 INFO [DefaultPartition] Dead members: 0 ([])
      11:38:20,592 INFO [DefaultPartition] New Members : 0 ([])
      11:38:20,593 INFO [DefaultPartition] All Members : 2 ([,])
      11:38:21,176 INFO [HANamingService] Listening on /
      11:38:21,184 INFO [DetachedHANamingService$AutomaticDiscovery] Listening on /, group=, HA-JNDI address=
      11:38:23,206 INFO [interceptors] InterceptorManager started with 0 SIs, 0 CIs and 2 IORIs
      11:38:23,536 INFO [orb] ORB run
      11:38:23,855 INFO [CorbaNamingService] Naming: [IOR:000000000000002B49444C3A6F6D672E6F72672F436F734E616D696E672F4E616D696E67436F6E746578744578743A312E300000000000020000000000000068000102000000000C3139322E3136382E312E32000DC80000000000114A426F73732F4E616D696E672F726F6F74000000000000020000000000000008000000004A414300000000010000001C00000000000100010000000105010001000101090000000105010001000000010000002C0000000000000001000000010000001C00000000000100010000000105010001000101090000000105010001]
      11:38:25,538 INFO [MailService] Mail Service bound to java:/Mail
      11:38:26,863 INFO [TreeCache] setClusterConfig(): setting cluster properties from xml to: UDP(bind_addr=;ip_mcast=true;ip_ttl=64;loopback=false;mcast_addr=;mcast_port=45577;mcast_recv_buf_size=80000;mcast_send_buf_size=150000;ucast_recv_buf_size=80000;ucast_send_buf_size=150000):PING(down_thread=false;num_initial_members=3;timeout=2000;up_thread=false):MERGE2(max_interval=20000;min_interval=10000):FD_SOCK:VERIFY_SUSPECT(down_thread=false;timeout=1500;up_thread=false):pbcast.NAKACK(down_thread=false;gc_lag=50;max_xmit_size=8192;retransmit_timeout=600,1200,2400,4800;up_thread=false):UNICAST(down_thread=false;min_threshold=10;timeout=600,1200,2400;window_size=100):pbcast.STABLE(desired_avg_gossip=20000;down_thread=false;up_thread=false):FRAG(down_thread=false;frag_size=8192;up_thread=false):pbcast.GMS(join_retry_timeout=2000;join_timeout=5000;print_local_addr=true;shun=true):pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER(down_thread=true;up_thread=true)
      11:38:27,139 INFO [TreeCache] interceptor chain is:
      class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.CallInterceptor
      class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.ReplicationInterceptor
      class org.jboss.cache.interceptors.TransactionInterceptor
      11:38:27,140 INFO [TreeCache] cache mode is REPL_ASYNC
      11:38:27,424 INFO [UDP] unicast sockets will use interface
      11:38:27,445 INFO [UDP] socket information:
      local_addr=, mcast_addr=, bind_addr=/, ttl=64
      sock: bound to, receive buffer size=80000, send buffer size=131071
      mcast_recv_sock: bound to, send buffer size=131071, receive buffer size=80000
      mcast_send_sock: bound to, send buffer size=131071, receive buffer size=80000
      11:38:27,705 INFO [STDOUT]
      GMS: address is
      11:38:29,720 INFO [TreeCache] viewAccepted(): new members: [,]
      11:38:29,786 INFO [TreeCache] received the state (size=269 bytes)
      11:38:29,802 INFO [TreeCache] transient state: 217 bytes
      11:38:29,805 INFO [TreeCache] setting transient state
      11:38:29,824 INFO [TreeCache] locking the old tree
      11:38:29,825 INFO [TreeCache] setState(): locking the old tree was successful
      11:38:29,825 INFO [TreeCache] setting the transient state was successful
      11:38:29,825 INFO [TreeCache] forcing release of all locks in old tree
      11:38:29,825 INFO [TreeCache] state was retrieved successfully (in 106 milliseconds
      11:38:31,673 INFO [Embedded] Catalina naming disabled
      11:38:34,405 INFO [Http11Protocol] Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-
      11:38:34,682 INFO [Catalina] Initialization processed in 2761 ms
      11:38:34,683 INFO [StandardService] Starting service jboss.web
      11:38:34,691 INFO [StandardEngine] Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.0.28
      11:38:34,850 INFO [StandardHost] XML validation disabled
      11:38:34,858 INFO [Engine] SingleSignOn[localhost]: Started
      11:38:35,277 INFO [Catalina] Server startup in 595 ms
      11:38:35,279 INFO [Tomcat5] Setting the cache name to jboss.cache:service=TomcatClusteringCache on jboss.web:type=Valve,name=ClusteredSingleSignOn,host=localhost
      11:38:35,676 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/invoker, warUrl=file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy/http-invoker.sar/invoker.war/
      11:38:40,091 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jboss-net, warUrl=file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy/jboss-net.sar/jboss-net.war/
      11:38:40,550 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/, warUrl=file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat50.sar/ROOT.war/
      11:38:40,975 INFO [DefaultDS] Bound connection factory for resource adapter for ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=DefaultDS to JNDI name 'java:/DefaultDS'
      11:38:41,148 INFO [JmsXA] Bound connection factory for resource adapter for ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=TxCM,name=JmsXA to JNDI name 'java:/JmsXA'
      11:38:41,154 INFO [NethostDS] Bound connection factory for resource adapter for ConnectionManager 'jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=NethostDS to JNDI name 'java:/NethostDS'
      11:38:41,772 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jmx-console, warUrl=file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy/jmx-console.war/
      11:38:42,242 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/web-console, warUrl=file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/deploy/management/web-console.war/
      11:38:44,329 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/test, warUrl=file:/work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/tmp/deploy/tmp61106test.war/
      11:38:44,566 INFO [JBossCacheManager] init(): replicationGranularity_ is 1 and invaldateSessionPolicy is 2
      11:38:44,849 INFO [JBossCacheManager] Starting JBossManager
      11:38:45,216 INFO [FarmMemberService] **** pullNewDeployments ****
      11:38:45,385 INFO [FarmMemberService] farmDeployment(), deploy locally: /work/programs/jboss-3.2.6/server/all/tmp/cluster-examples-service.xml
      11:38:46,061 INFO [Http11Protocol] Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-
      11:38:46,581 INFO [ChannelSocket] JK2: ajp13 listening on /
      11:38:46,589 INFO [JkMain] Jk running ID=0 time=0/39 config=null
      11:38:46,720 INFO [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [3.2.6 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_3_2_6 date=200410140106)] Started in 56s:558ms

      From my understanding, I think what I did so far is correct (mcast works, I also tested with the sender-receiver pair from jgroups), and the 2 JBoss instances can see each other as members in the same partition (so they should be able to communicate).

      This is my jboss-service.xml:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE server
       PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD MBean Service 3.2//EN"
      <!-- $Id: jboss-service-50.xml,v 2004/10/13 04:53:10 starksm Exp $ -->
       <mbean code="org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.Tomcat5"
       <!-- The JAAS security domain to use in the absense of an explicit
       security-domain specification in the war WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml
       <attribute name="DefaultSecurityDomain">java:/jaas/other</attribute>
       <!-- Get the flag indicating if the normal Java2 parent first class
       loading model should be used over the servlet 2.3 web container first
       <attribute name="Java2ClassLoadingCompliance">true</attribute>
       <attribute name="LenientEjbLink">true</attribute>
       <!-- A flag indicating if the JBoss Loader should be used. This loader
       uses a unified class loader as the class loader rather than the tomcat
       specific class loader.
       <attribute name="UseJBossWebLoader">true</attribute>
       Class of the session manager (used if context is marked as 'distributable'. Currently allowed values:
       - org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.session.JBossCacheManager
       <attribute name="ManagerClass">org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.session.JBossCacheManager</attribute>
       <!-- The name of the request attribute under with the authenticated JAAS
       Subject is stored on successful authentication. If null or empty then
       the Subject will not be stored.
       <attribute name="SubjectAttributeName">j_subject</attribute>
       <!-- A flag indicating whether web-apps may set themselfs as privileged
       in their custom WEB-INF/context.xml context configuration.
       <attribute name="AllowSelfPrivilegedWebApps">false</attribute>
       <!-- The SessionIdAlphabet is the set of characters used to create a session Id
       It must be made up of exactly 65 unique characters
       <attribute name="SessionIdAlphabet">ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-*</attribute>
       ****************** CLUSTERING *************************
       In order to activate HTTP Session clustering for Tomcat
       make sure you run JBoss's "all" configuration i.e.
       "run -c all"
       (the default configuration doesn't contain clustering)
       Furthermore, you may change SnapshotMode and
       SnapshotInterval attributes below to indicate when to
       synchronize changes with the other node(s).
       If you use Apache+mod_jk(2) you will most probably use
       the AJP1.3 connector below. Thus, if you so wish,
       you may comment (i.e. deactivate) the HTTP connector
       as it won't be used anymore.
       If you are using clustering, the following two attributes
       define when the sessions are replicated to the other nodes.
       The default value, "instant", immediately replicates changes
       to the other nodes after each request. In this case, the
       "SnapshotInterval" attribute is not used.
       The "interval" mode, in association with the "SnapshotInterval"
       attribute, indicates that Tomcat will only replicates modified
       sessions every "SnapshotInterval" miliseconds at most.
       <attribute name="SnapshotMode">instant</attribute>
       <!-- you must switch to "interval" to use this attribute (msec) -->
       <!--attribute name="SnapshotInterval">2000</attribute-->
       A flag indicating if the local vm session value should be used if
       it exists. When true, the existing vm local session values are used and
       updates are replicated, but updates to the same session on other nodes
       do not update the local session value. In the future release, we will
       relax this restriction.
       Note that this flag is needed because of scoped class loading. Since
       each web app may have a different class loader, the session stored
       in the distributed store are still serialzed version. So if this flag
       is false, the session value is obtained from the distributed
       cache for each access and there will be significant penalty for
       For clustering purpose only.
       <attribute name="UseLocalCache">false</attribute>
       Whether to use MOD_JK(2) for load balancing with sticky session
       combined with JvmRoute. If set to true, it will insert a JvmRouteFilter
       to intercept every request and replace the JvmRoute if it detects a
       failover. In addition, you will need to set the JvmRoute inside
       Tomcat, e.g.,
       Engine name="jboss.web" jmvRoute="Node1" defaultHost="localhost"
       in server.xml.
       For clustering purpose only.
       <attribute name="UseJK">false</attribute>
       <attribute name="Domain">jboss.web</attribute>
       <!-- A mapping to the server security manager service which must be
       operation compatible with type
       org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManagerServiceMBean. This is only
       needed if web applications are allowed to flush the security manager
       authentication cache when the web sessions invalidate.
       <depends optional-attribute-name="SecurityManagerService"
       Configuration for HTTP Session Clustering using JBossCache
       <!--depends optional-attribute-name="CacheName">jboss.cache:service=TreeCache</depends-->
       <!-- Only needed if the org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.jca.CachedConnectionValve
       is enabled in the tomcat server.xml file

      This is my server.xml

       <!-- Use a custom version of StandardService that allows the
       connectors to be started independent of the normal lifecycle
       start to allow web apps to be deployed before starting the
       <Service name="jboss.web"
       <!-- A HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 -->
       <Connector port="8080" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
       maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
       enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
       connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true"/>
       <!-- A AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
       <Connector port="8009" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
       enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" debug="0"
       <!-- SSL/TLS Connector configuration using the admin devl guide keystore
       <Connector port="8443" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
       maxThreads="100" minSpareThreads="5" maxSpareThreads="15"
       scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
       keystorePass="rmi+ssl" sslProtocol = "TLS" />
       <Engine name="jboss.web" defaultHost="localhost">
       <!-- The JAAS based authentication and authorization realm implementation
       - certificatePrincipal : the class name of the
       org.jboss.security.auth.certs.CertificatePrincipal impl
       used for mapping X509[] cert chains to a Princpal.
       <Realm className="org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.JBossSecurityMgrRealm"
       <Logger className="org.jboss.web.tomcat.Log4jLogger"
       <Host name="localhost"
       autoDeploy="false" deployOnStartup="false" deployXML="false">
       <Valve className="org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.sso.ClusteredSingleSignOn"
       <!-- Uncomment to enable request dumper. This Valve "logs interesting
       contents from the specified Request (before processing) and the
       corresponding Response (after processing). It is especially useful
       in debugging problems related to headers and cookies."
       <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RequestDumperValve" />
       <!-- Access logger -->
       <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
       prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".log"
       pattern="common" directory="${jboss.server.home.dir}/log"
       resolveHosts="false" />
       <!-- Uncomment to enable single sign-on across web apps
       deployed to this host. Does not provide SSO across a cluster.
       If this valve is used, do not use the JBoss SingleSignOn valve
       shown below.
       <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn"
       <Valve className="org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.jca.CachedConnectionValve"
       cachedConnectionManagerObjectName="jboss.jca:service=CachedConnectionManager" />
       <!-- Default context parameters -->
       <DefaultContext cookies="true" crossContext="true" override="true"/>

      This is my cluster-service.xml
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!-- ===================================================================== -->
      <!-- -->
      <!-- Sample Clustering Service Configuration -->
      <!-- -->
      <!-- ===================================================================== -->
       <classpath codebase="lib" archives="jbossha.jar"/>
       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
       <!-- Cluster Partition: defines cluster -->
       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
       <mbean code="org.jboss.ha.framework.server.ClusterPartition"
       <!-- Name of the partition being built -->
       <attribute name="PartitionName">DefaultPartition</attribute>
       <!-- The address used to determine the node name -->
       <attribute name="NodeAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
       <!-- Determine if deadlock detection is enabled -->
       <attribute name="DeadlockDetection">False</attribute>
       <!-- Time in milliseconds to wait for state to be transferred -->
       <attribute name="StateTransferTimeout">60000</attribute>
       <!-- The JGroups protocol configuration -->
       <attribute name="PartitionConfig">
       <!-- UDP: if you have a multihomed machine,
       set the bind_addr attribute to the appropriate NIC IP address -->
       <!-- UDP: On Windows machines, because of the media sense feature
       being broken with multicast (even after disabling media sense)
       set the loopback attribute to true -->
       <UDP mcast_addr="" mcast_port="45566"
       ip_ttl="32" ip_mcast="true"
       mcast_send_buf_size="800000" mcast_recv_buf_size="150000"
       ucast_send_buf_size="800000" ucast_recv_buf_size="150000"
       loopback="false" bind_addr=""/>
       <PING timeout="2000" num_initial_members="3"
       up_thread="true" down_thread="true" />
       <MERGE2 min_interval="10000" max_interval="20000" />
       <FD shun="true" up_thread="true" down_thread="true"
       timeout="2500" max_tries="5" />
       <VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="3000" num_msgs="3"
       up_thread="true" down_thread="true" />
       <pbcast.NAKACK gc_lag="50" retransmit_timeout="300,600,1200,2400,4800"
       up_thread="true" down_thread="true" />
       <UNICAST timeout="300,600,1200,2400,4800" window_size="100" min_threshold="10"
       down_thread="true" />
       <pbcast.STABLE desired_avg_gossip="20000"
       up_thread="true" down_thread="true" />
       <FRAG frag_size="8192"
       down_thread="true" up_thread="true" />
       <pbcast.GMS join_timeout="5000" join_retry_timeout="2000"
       shun="true" print_local_addr="true" />
       <pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER up_thread="true" down_thread="true" />
       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
       <!-- HA Session State Service for SFSB -->
       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
       <mbean code="org.jboss.ha.hasessionstate.server.HASessionStateService"
       <!-- Name of the partition to which the service is linked -->
       <attribute name="PartitionName">DefaultPartition</attribute>
       <!-- JNDI name under which the service is bound -->
       <attribute name="JndiName">/HASessionState/Default</attribute>
       <!-- Max delay before cleaning unreclaimed state.
       Defaults to 30*60*1000 => 30 minutes -->
       <attribute name="BeanCleaningDelay">0</attribute>
       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
       <!-- HA JNDI -->
       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
       <mbean code="org.jboss.ha.jndi.HANamingService"
       <!-- Name of the partition to which the service is linked -->
       <attribute name="PartitionName">DefaultPartition</attribute>
       <!-- bind address of HA JNDI RMI endpoint -->
       <attribute name="BindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
       <!-- RmiPort to be used by the HA-JNDI service
       once bound. 0 => auto. -->
       <attribute name="RmiPort">0</attribute>
       <!-- Port on which the HA-JNDI stub is made available -->
       <attribute name="Port">1100</attribute>
       <!-- Backlog to be used for client-server RMI
       invocations during JNDI queries -->
       <attribute name="Backlog">50</attribute>
       <!-- Multicast Address and Group used for auto-discovery -->
       <attribute name="AutoDiscoveryAddress"></attribute>
       <attribute name="AutoDiscoveryGroup">1102</attribute>
       <!-- IP Address to which should be bound: the Port, the RmiPort and
       the AutoDiscovery multicast socket. -->
       <!-- Client socket factory to be used for client-server
       RMI invocations during JNDI queries -->
       <!--attribute name="ClientSocketFactory">custom</attribute-->
       <!-- Server socket factory to be used for client-server
       RMI invocations during JNDI queries -->
       <!--attribute name="ServerSocketFactory">custom</attribute-->
       <mbean code="org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPInvokerHA"
       <attribute name="ServerAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
       <attribute name="RMIObjectPort">0</attribute>
       <attribute name="RMIClientSocketFactory">custom</attribute>
       <attribute name="RMIServerSocketFactory">custom</attribute>
       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
       <!-- Distributed cache invalidation -->
       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
       <mbean code="org.jboss.cache.invalidation.bridges.JGCacheInvalidationBridge"
       <attribute name="InvalidationManager">jboss.cache:service=InvalidationManager</attribute>
       <attribute name="PartitionName">DefaultPartition</attribute>
       <attribute name="BridgeName">DefaultJGBridge</attribute>

      and finally, this is my tc5-cluster-service.xml

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!-- ===================================================================== -->
      <!-- -->
      <!-- Customized TreeCache Service Configuration for Tomcat 5 Clustering -->
      <!-- -->
      <!-- ===================================================================== -->
       <classpath codebase="./lib" archives="jboss-cache.jar, jgroups.jar"/>
       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
       <!-- Defines TreeCache configuration -->
       <!-- ==================================================================== -->
       <mbean code="org.jboss.cache.TreeCache"
       <!-- Configure the TransactionManager -->
       <attribute name="TransactionManagerLookupClass">org.jboss.cache.JBossTransactionManagerLookup</attribute>
       Isolation level : SERIALIZABLE
       REPEATABLE_READ (default)
       <attribute name="IsolationLevel">REPEATABLE_READ</attribute>
       Valid modes are LOCAL, REPL_ASYNC and REPL_SYNC
       <attribute name="CacheMode">REPL_ASYNC</attribute>
       <!-- Name of cluster. Needs to be the same for all clusters, in order
       to find each other
       <attribute name="ClusterName">Tomcat-Cluster</attribute>
       <!-- JGroups protocol stack properties. Can also be a URL,
       e.g. file:/home/bela/default.xml
       <attribute name="ClusterProperties"></attribute>
       <attribute name="ClusterConfig">
       <!-- UDP: if you have a multihomed machine,
       set the bind_addr attribute to the appropriate NIC IP address, e.g bind_addr=""
       <!-- UDP: On Windows machines, because of the media sense feature
       being broken with multicast (even after disabling media sense)
       set the loopback attribute to true -->
       <UDP mcast_addr="" mcast_port="45577"
       ip_ttl="64" ip_mcast="true"
       mcast_send_buf_size="150000" mcast_recv_buf_size="80000"
       ucast_send_buf_size="150000" ucast_recv_buf_size="80000"
       loopback="false" bind_addr=""/>
       <PING timeout="2000" num_initial_members="3"
       up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
       <MERGE2 min_interval="10000" max_interval="20000"/>
       <VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="1500"
       up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
       <pbcast.NAKACK gc_lag="50" retransmit_timeout="600,1200,2400,4800"
       max_xmit_size="8192" up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
       <UNICAST timeout="600,1200,2400" window_size="100" min_threshold="10"
       <pbcast.STABLE desired_avg_gossip="20000"
       up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
       <FRAG frag_size="8192"
       down_thread="false" up_thread="false"/>
       <pbcast.GMS join_timeout="5000" join_retry_timeout="2000"
       shun="true" print_local_addr="true"/>
       <pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER up_thread="true" down_thread="true"/>
       <!-- Max number of milliseconds to wait for a lock acquisition -->
       <attribute name="LockAcquisitionTimeout">15000</attribute>

      Those are the files I worked with (with the last settings I used, because I tried with a lot of settings changes, but none worked).

      In the next step, I created a small application to test the session replication. It is a war (the same on both JBosses), containing a servlet and a jsp. The servlet sets a session attribute (which is a String - so it is Serializable), which I expect to see in the jsp. Here comes the problem. I call the servlet on If I call the jsp on the same JBoss, it's working (I can see the session attribute - which is normal). But if I call now the JSP on the other computer (, the session attribute is null (unless I set it with the servlet on this Jboss instance, too).

      I also looked in jmx-console, at service=TomcatClusteringCache, and this is what I get when invoke the "printDetails":

      LD25dcOi6uVaOl3VLW-kbA**: org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledValue@824116f
      9iTwtuPJXDyYNIodnIdg+g**: org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledValue@71f80780
      date: org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledValue@edbfed5e

      I have EXACTLY the same details in both jmx-consoles. I don't know if this is normal or not.

      I hope somebody can help me, because I'm fighting this problem for some days. I'm almost sure that I'm missing something, but I can't figure out what.

      Many thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: Session not replicated in JBoss 3.2.6

          You need to have a loadbalancer to keep your session id the same during fail over. Check the wiki page for example of mod_jk.


          • 2. Re: Session not replicated in JBoss 3.2.6

            Hi Ben, and thank you for your answer.
            I have a load balancer in front of the cluster. Using Apache 2.0.54 with mod_jk 1.2.12, and this is my configuration:


            LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
            # The workers.properties
            JkWorkersFile conf.d/workers.properties
            # The log files
            JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
            # Set the jk log level
            JkLogLevel info
            # Select the log format
            JkLogStampFormat "{%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y} "
            # JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE
            JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
            # JkRequestLogFormat set the request format
            JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
            JkShmFile /usr/local/apache/logs/shm
            JkMount /test* loadbalancer
            #Add jkstatus for managing runtime data
            <Location /jkstatus/>
             JkMount jkstatus
             Order deny,allow
             Allow from all

            and workers.properties:
            # Define the first node...
            # Define the second node
            # Now define the load-balancing behaviour
            # Define the status worker

            As I said before, I made a simple application to test the session replication. It contains a servlet and a jsp. The servlet contains this code:

            Hello world JSP on <%= new java.util.Date() %>
            The session date is: <%= request.getSession().getAttribute("date") %>

            and the servlet is this:

             protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
             HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
             response.getWriter().println("Hello world on " + new Date());
             String newDate = (new Date()).toString();
             System.out.println("Storing date: "+newDate);
             request.getSession().setAttribute("date", newDate);

            I noticed something very interesting. If I start both JBosses and the very first thing I call is the servlet, the attribute "date" is set on both JBosses, so everything works fine (if I refresh the JSP page, because of the load balancer settings it goes to a different JBoss each time, and the date is there and it is the same for both). Now, I call again the servlet and from now on, the date is set only on the JBoss where I called the servlet (so the session is not replicated anymore from now on). The same happens (session attribute not set on both JBoss) if the first thing I call after starting JBosses is the JSP page. If I do this, the session attribute is only set on the JBoss I call the servlet.
            Perhaps I should mention that the Apache server is located on the same computer with one of my JBoss instanced ( The other JBoss instance is located on another computer (

            Another thing I noticed is that I have this in the JBoss logs:

            [STDOUT] Can't find resource org.jboss.web.tomcat.session.LocalStrings org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.WebCtxLoader$ENCLoader@fe53cf

            [STDOUT] [Ljava.net.URL;@117ee94

            but I readed on another post that this is harmless.

            Any idea is welcome. Thank you.

            • 3. Re: Session not replicated in JBoss 3.2.6

              Perhaps I should mention that I'm using Fedora Core 2. Could this be a problem ? (I readed somewhere that nobody made a cluster work on FC3. I don't know if this is true or false and if it also apply for FC2 ).

              • 4. Re: Session not replicated in JBoss 3.2.6

                OK, looks like you are not using sticky session. In this case, you will need to upgrade 3.2.7 or 4.0.2. In the original documentation, I have stated that in 3.2.6, sticky session wasn't supported.

                But later on, I have enabled the support in 3.2.7 and later.


                • 5. Re: Session not replicated in JBoss 3.2.6

                  Yes, that was the problem. In order to have the same information in the session, I have to use sticky sessions (so only one JBoss instance is used for a certain session). But having in mind that I want to have the same session data on both JBoss instances, I had to upgrade to JBoss 4.0.2 (which can do this, so now everything I wanted is working great).
                  Thank you Ben for your answers.

                  • 6. Re: Session not replicated in JBoss 3.2.6

                    I have two followup questions:

                    1. Is there anyway to turn on sticky sessions with 4.0.0? Is it a configuration setting or a code change?
                    2. Why are sticky sessions controlled by JBoss? It seems like the Apache load balancer would control the sticky session.

                    • 7. Re: Session not replicated in JBoss 3.2.6

                      Sticky session is not controlled by JBoss. Instead it is from the load balancer. It is just 4.0.2 can handle non-sticky session case as well.
