1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 15, 2007 10:52 AM by yositunel

    apache 2.2, jboss 4x, and proxy_loadbalancer/mod_proxy_ajp?


      I been searching for more information if anyone has production-ready configuration for Jboss4x using Apache-2.2 and the new mod_proxy_ajp. The Mod_jk documents all reference mod_proxy_ajp as the new replacement, but no documentation on using jboss with mod_proxy_ajp.

      Hopefully I'm just blind and someone can point me to a reference?


        • 1. Re: apache 2.2, jboss 4x, and proxy_loadbalancer/mod_proxy_a

          Here's an example:

          LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so

          <Proxy balancer://myCluster>
          Order deny,allow
          Allow from all

          #jboss cluster members
          BalancerMember ajp:// keepalive=On

          #ImmPort application
          ProxyPass /myWebApp balancer://myCluster stickysession=jsessionid lbmethod=bytraffic nofailover=Off
          ProxyPassReverse /myWebApp balancer://myCluster