1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 6, 2007 2:04 PM by konkimalla

    web clustering - fail over, http state replication


      I created a cluster of two windows nodes and they both are visible. With the help of a stand alone java application I successfully tested loadbalancing and fail over capabilities. However, I am having problems while testing the same through a web client. I have downloaded apache(2.2.4) and mod_jk (1.2.20) and configured as per the document.

      I am using jboss 4.2.1 version and did the following things:

      1)I ran both machines using
      run -c all -b <respective ip address>
      2)I pointed http://<nodeip1>:8080 and got the result - servlet calls statefull ejb.
      3) I had shutdown node having ip1 and tried to invoke the opeation and got the page not found. I thought I will get the information from node2.

      I might be dumb in testing, but can some body please let me know as what I am missing and the procedure to test the web client.