1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 21, 2007 10:23 PM by sergeysmirnov

    Sorted List support


      Is it possible to do sorted lists similar to the link below with the richfaces dnd support?


      Where the drag and dropping is done to reorder items in a datatable. And it would be nice if the items moved out of the way when attempting to drop them.

      It doesn't really appear like the richfaces dnd components were built for something like that but thought I'd ask before I give up. :)


        • 1. Re: Sorted List support

          dragSupport and dropSupport are universal components. If you spend some effort you can repeat after the behavior of the Sortable object. However, using the Sortable object directly might shortcut the way (especially, for guys who know how to use Ajax4jsf CDK). I mean creating JSF component that uses script.aculo.us Sortable.
          Anyway, "reorder items in a datatable" is a data layer task. Component (or components composition) is only a GUI for it.