0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 16, 2009 8:49 PM by santhosh

    JBOSS Cluster exception while increasing the load


      I am having a Cluster setup which contains three nodes and Apache mod_jk is configured for the load balancing.

      Now when i try to do some performance testing from JMeter i am getting error in the console. (i.e) when i try to run 25 concurrent users from the JMeter then at some point of time i a m getting Lock errors as well as servlet.service() exception.

      "org.jboss.cache.lock.UpgradeException: upgrade lock for /caseware/cache/bf could not be acquired" and the other error is
      servlet.service for servlet action threw exception.

      I have used "PESSIMISTIC" for NodeLockingScheme "REPL_ASYNC" for CacheMode and "REPEATABLE_READ" for IsolationLevel.

      Can anyone throw some light on this.

      Thanks in advance for the help.