1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 18, 2009 7:51 AM by amarkovits

    Farm deployment problem with Java 1.5



      I hava a ejb3 package (abpejb.ejb3) and i also want to have a service that use some data from this package.
      in the farm directory i have scheduler-service.xml with this code:

       <mbean code="com.pathoss.abp.ejb.batch.mailer.MailerBatchCluster"
       <mbean code="org.jboss.varia.scheduler.SingleScheduleProvider"
       <attribute name="ScheduleManagerName">jboss:service=ScheduleManager</attribute>
       <attribute name="TargetName">com.pathoss.abp:service=MailerBatch</attribute>
       <attribute name="TargetMethod">hit( NOTIFICATION, DATE, REPETITIONS, SCHEDULER_NAME, java.lang.String )</attribute>
       <attribute name="DateFormat"></attribute>
       <attribute name="StartDate">NOW</attribute>
       <attribute name="Period">10000</attribute>
       <attribute name="Repetitions">-1</attribute>

      I had to put the jboss.j2ee:module=abpejb.ejb3,service=EJB3 because the MailerBatch use some mbean from abpejb.ejb3.

      When i start jboss using java 1.5 the depens is ignored and because the service is deployed before abpejb.ejb3 i get this error:
       status: Deployment FAILED reason: - nested throwable: (java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException)

      When i start jboss using java 1.6 the service is deployed only after abpejb.ejb3 is deployed and everything works fine (i have multiple services started in scheduler-service.xml, the one that does not depens on abpejb.ejb3 is started before abpejb.ejb3 is deployed and the one that depends on abpejb.ejb3 is started after abpejb3 is deployed)

      did i make some mistake in the configuration or it's a java 1.5 error? it there any fix? how can i tell jboss to deploy the -service.xml file after the .ejb3 file?