1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 23, 2007 11:03 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Resource not registed: SpinnerButtonGradient

      Getting error: Resource not registered : org.richfaces.renderkit.html.images.background.SpinnerButtonGradient

      I am using the <rich:inputNumberSpinner> nested within a panelGrid which is nested within a rich modalwindow. The page renders even though the exception is thrown on the server. The spinner also increments but control never leaves the page when I click the update command button. However, if I remove the inputNumberSpinner then the commandButton works fine and no exceptions are recorded on the server.
      My environment is JDK 1.5, Tomcat 5.5.20, JSF 1.1, MySQL 5.x.

      The enrire page is too large to include but here's the major components and nesting:

      <f:subview id="updateStory">
      <h:panelGroup id="taskGroup">
      <rich:modalPanel id="mp" minHeight="200" minWidth="450"
      height="400" width="500" zindex="999" >
      <h:panelGrid columns="2" border="1" width="100%" rendered="#{storyBean.maintView}" id="grid2">
      <rich:inputNumberSpinner value="#{storyBean.storyModel.strEstimatedDuration}"/>
