1. Re: Is JBoss4.0 using RMI or remoting
starksm64 Dec 8, 2004 1:39 PM (in response to terryxian)RMI and remoting are not different things. The details of the transport for the semantic of RMI invocations ala ejbs depends on the ejb container configuration. There have not been ejb stubs and skeletons for over 3 years. Start with the online admin/devel guide. The 3.2.6 version applies to 4.0.x for this issue.
http://www.jboss.org/docs/index -
2. Re: Is JBoss4.0 using RMI or remoting
terryxian Dec 8, 2004 2:01 PM (in response to terryxian)No stub and skeleton in jboss? I thought it is the container responsible of generating them dynamically.
We know that distributed garbage collection is implemented in RMI. I have read the jboss source code. It seems jboss use an other way to garbage collecte objects. How is the distributed GC implemented in jboss? -
3. Re: Is JBoss4.0 using RMI or remoting
starksm64 Dec 8, 2004 2:44 PM (in response to terryxian)Re-read the source then. There is dynamic generation of proxies, not legacy artifacts like stubs and sekeletons. The distributed gc depends on the underlying transport which in the case of sun's rmi/jrmp is their implementation.