1. Re: Database access from the web tier
jamesstrachan Feb 23, 2005 6:53 AM (in response to sixteenofour)Hi,
See also my response to your other query.
Direct access from the web tier is probably undesirable because it breaks the model and will probably make it difficult to generate ther correct HTML within Struts.
A better solution is to introduce an application server tier and to store the variable drop-down data within Entity beans.
It is most efficient if all entries for a drop down are stored as a set of Strings (or other objects) within a single Entity bean. This should be possible with Hibernate.
After the first access to a drop down, subsequent accessses should read directly and quickly from the Entity Bean.
As a second thought, you may want to check that the current database read is efficient and is not performing a table scan.
James Strachan -
2. Re: Database access from the web tier
puneetjains Feb 26, 2005 3:44 AM (in response to sixteenofour)Hi,
Have u looked at google suggests
It uses a kind of XMLHttpRequest i.e call your server side code from