1. Re: first time jboss
ido_tamir Mar 2, 2006 12:18 PM (in response to kimry)So you tried java -jar jboss.x.installer.jar ?
2. Re: first time jboss
kimry Mar 2, 2006 12:43 PM (in response to kimry)hi and thanks for the reply
this is what I did
[root@labs tmp] java -jar jboss-4.0.4RC1-installer.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: while resolving class: org.jboss.install.PackageListener
at java.lang.VMClassLoader.transformException(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Throwable) (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at java.lang.VMClassLoader.resolveClass(java.lang.Class) (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at java.lang.Class.initializeClass() (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String) (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at com.izforge.izpack.installer.InstallerBase.loadCustomData(com.izforge.izpack.installer.AutomatedInstallData) (Unknown Source)
at com.izforge.izpack.installer.InstallerBase.loadInstallData(com.izforge.izpack.installer.AutomatedInstallData) (Unknown Source)
at com.izforge.izpack.installer.GUIInstaller.GUIInstaller() (Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance() (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at com.izforge.izpack.installer.Installer.main(java.lang.String[]) (Unknown Source)
at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.call_main() (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at gnu.java.lang.MainThread.run() (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.StringBuilder not found in gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader{urls=[file:jboss-4.0.4RC1-installer.jar,file:./], parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.ExtensionClassLoader{urls=[], parent=null}}
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
at java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.6.0.0)
...11 more -
3. Re: first time jboss
thhart Mar 2, 2006 12:48 PM (in response to kimry)You using the GNU Java VM. I don't know its versions and its compatibilities, but I would suggest to try SUNs Java first or you have to check what kind of java you have in detail.
Regards -
4. Re: first time jboss
kimry Mar 2, 2006 12:53 PM (in response to kimry)thanks
I installed java form java.com what I think now
is it might be a problem with ldconfig to update lib_s path
I'll try that and I'll let you know -
5. Re: first time jboss
thhart Mar 2, 2006 1:02 PM (in response to kimry)No it is just a path and environment problem.
Put your directory of your java installation in the very beginning of your PATH variable and set the JAVA_HOME variable to the java installation directory as well.