1. Re: Integrate multiple JVM's with single JBoss instance
laurarami May 25, 2007 5:07 PM (in response to ajrathi)Great question! I also would like to know how to integrate multiple JVM's with single JBoss instance. It is my understanding we should not set the heapsize larger than 2 GB. To make the most of this server we would like to utilize as much of our 8 GB of RAM as possible.
2. Re: Integrate multiple JVM's with single JBoss instance
smeaggie Jul 2, 2007 7:50 AM (in response to ajrathi)I think you are actually looking for a Terracotta server. This is a server wich can cluster JVM's (local AND over a network). They seem to support JBoss too, although they need to work on the documentation I'm afraid. I don't have any experience with the product, it's on my "long running" todo list :P
You can read more on their website: http://www.terracotta.org/
this is about JBoss on their site: http://www.terracotta.org/confluence/display/docs1/Integrations+JBoss -
3. Re: Integrate multiple JVM's with single JBoss instance
satan3 Nov 16, 2007 10:50 PM (in response to ajrathi)great
4. Re: Integrate multiple JVM's with single JBoss instance
laurarami Nov 19, 2007 12:04 PM (in response to ajrathi)Thank you for the tip but Terracotta will not help in our situation.
We have 8 gb of memory on our single server (5 GB unutilized)
I understand we should not extend more than 2 GB of memory per JVM.
I need to create a second instance of JVM as 2 GB of Java memory is not enough for our application.
Is it possible to create multiple JVM's with a single JBoss instance? -
5. Re: Integrate multiple JVM's with single JBoss instance
glen_almeida Dec 7, 2007 2:49 AM (in response to ajrathi)I don't think its possible to have multiple JVM's in single JBOSS instance. However you can achieve mutiple Jboss instances configured to form a logical Partition ( like a cluster) . You might have to use a load -balancer software/hardware type to channelize request to a free node on the partiton.