strange, nobody else has posted in this forum.
I've downloaded the latest beta version of JBoss Profiler 2 yesterday and set things up according to the instructions on my JBoss 4.2.3 GA and Java JDK 1.5 Windows machine. On app server start-up I see folders and files being created below my designated PROFILER_DIR (and high CPU usage when a lot of code in the classes I'm profiling is being exercised, which looked promising). From what I've read the profiler starts automatically, so I stopped trying to call 'startProfiler' command from the command prompt. However, when I tried 'stopProfiler' or 'snapshot', I never got returned back to the prompt (or had any visual feedback on what it was doing) and after a while (20 minutes, with no visible CPU activity) I ctrl-c-ed my way out.
Was this just me being impatient? I noticed one of the folders in my PROFILER_DIR had over 36,000 little files in it.
thanks in advance,
From what I've read the profiler starts automatically,