4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 28, 2007 10:57 PM by ymhsenger

    Problem with rich:simpleTogglePanel



      I'm using a simpleTooglePanel inside a rich:dataTable but it doesn't work for switchType="ajax", just for "client" or "server".

      When I take the code out from the dataTable it works fine with any switchType. The problem just occurs when it is inside the dataTable.

      Should it work inside the dataTable ? Is there any limitation on this component?


        • 1. Re: Problem with rich:simpleTogglePanel

          This is limitation of dataTable actually.

          • 2. Re: Problem with rich:simpleTogglePanel

            Hi SergeySmirnov,

            Thank you very much for answering so quickly!

            What would be the better way of implement the following requirement:

            - For each table row there should be a button "details", when the user clicks the button it will pop up a window with the "detail information".

            I imagine the small window something like the suggestionBox, or a ModalPanel...

            I tried to use the ModalPanel, is there the same limitation on using it inside a dataTable ?

            Thanks again,

            • 3. Re: Problem with rich:simpleTogglePanel

              singleTogglePanel is not a popup.
              The suggestionbox shows the list of possible option. It is hard to imaging how it might feet your use case.

              Do you want to use exactly the popup or additional information printed inside the table cell is OK?

              • 4. Re: Problem with rich:simpleTogglePanel

                Hello again,

                I just need to show aditional information related to this table row.

                But it's a String too big for adding a column to the table. I need to show this info just when the user clicks on something in the seleced line.

                It could be any element that I could show and hide.

                Thanks again.