1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 14, 2003 1:33 PM by juhalindfors

    How to use forums effectivly???


      Of course it is useable and rather good also but.... I really don't think web-based forums is a good media to easily catch what is happening in all threads.

      Mail and NNTP is superior for this 'keep-in-sync' usage. When I use web-based forums is when I have one problem and I want to search for others having the same and perhaps a solution for it - for that it is perfect.

      But I'm a developer that:
      - need to stay tuned to what happens all the time and everywhere (that's how to be educated...)
      - most of all I really wants to help others when they have problems but I will not bring up the browser now and then to see if there is anything new in one of 20-30 forum groups... when I could just have a pling in my mailclient or nntp-client

      At least I'm more productive scanning 200-300 emails then using the browser to scan 200-300 forum posts in different pages (specially on slow lines).

      I know that there is a new forum on it's way and that nntp might be done in the future. But until then - any possibility to give the nntp-gateway a new try or are there any other fantastic tool out in the world that can help me...
